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Chapter 1. Getting Started with RPG Design in Unreal
Tools for game design
The design and concept phase
Describing the game's features and mechanics
Tropes in existing role-playing games
RPG design overview
Choosing the right formula
Chapter 2. Scripting and Data in Unreal
Downloading Unreal
Downloading Visual Studio
Setting up Visual Studio for Unreal
Setting up a new Unreal project
Creating a new C++ class
Using Data Tables to import spreadsheet data
Chapter 3. Exploration and Combat
Creating the player pawn
Defining characters and enemies
Party members
Turn-based combat
Chapter 4. Pause Menu Framework
UMG pause screen initial setup
UMG background color
UMG text
UMG buttons
The UMG inventory submenu
The UMG equipment submenu
Key binding
Button programming
Chapter 5. Bridging Character Statistics
Getting character data
Getting player instances
Displaying stats
Chapter 6. NPCs and Dialog
Creating the NPC Character Blueprint
Interacting with the NPC
Dialog box setup
Creating an NPC welcome box
Adding an NPC talk box
Chapter 7. Gold Items and a Shop
Setting and getting gold instances
Item data
The shop screen framework
The item button framework
Linking the item data
Chapter 8. Inventory Population and Item Use
Creating the FieldPlayer Booleans
Determining whether the inventory screen is on or off
Logical difference between the inventory and shop items
Finishing the inventory screen
Buying items
Using items
Chapter 9. Equipment
The weapons Data Table
Setting the weapon and equipment screen variables
Creating the weapon button
Revisiting the equipment screen
Setting the equipment screen Text Blocks
Correcting the character stats when equipping
Chapter 10. Leveling Abilities and Saving Progress
XP and leveling source code
Data Table starting values
Displaying levels and experience in the pause menu
Applying the correct damage in combat
Setting up the abilities array
Abilities logic
Saving and loading game progress