正因为是“攻略书”,本书成为难得的跨境并购方面的实战手册。本书由三位作者联合撰写,他们均拥有广泛的跨境并购第一手经验和对中国企业的深刻理解。陈文轩女士现任沃特中国管理合伙人,在投资银行业务领域有着广泛的业务实践,协助20余家中国企业完成了跨境并购交易。沃特中国的运营合伙人詹姆斯 H.格罗先生撰写了本书最后关于并购后整合的章节。他在其30多年的职业生涯中担当了企业运营执行官、投资银行家及管理咨询顾问等多项职能,并曾经担任过多家企业“整合救火队”的队长。本书的另一位作者郑晓舟女士,是一位资深的财经记者,对中国企业的跨境并购交易有着长期的观察。
本书的最后两个章节由詹姆斯 H.格罗先生撰写,专攻并购后整合——这是作者认为对任何并购最为关键的部分,也是最容易被中国企业忽略和误解的部分。最后两章对中国企业与国外公司的合并做了非常详细和具体的指导性分析,并用充分的案例分析和实例加以支持。
The overseas expansion of Chinese firms has been one of the most hotly discussed topics of the past few years.The larger deals have attracted the attention of politicians,academics and the media.The Chinese M & A“wave”has even been compared to the spending spree by Japanese firms in the 1980s as well as previous M & A waves in the United States.While much has been written about Chinese overseas M & A,few books have been able to combine a wider historical and economic perspective with personal experience of helping Chinese firms throughout the complex process of acquiring a foreign company.
This book is a comprehensive guide to Chinese companies and how they engage in overseas acquisitions.It is co-authored by three people whom among them have both extensive first hand experience of cross border M & A deals and profound knowledge of Chinese companies.Angela Chen and Zheng Xiaozhou coauthored the first 11 chapters of the book.Angela Chen,a managing partner at HFG China has over 16 years of investment banking experience and has led the execution of over 20 cross border M & A deals,private placements and IPOs.James H.Groh authored the final section on post-merger integration.Jim is an operating partner of HFG China,he has over 30 years of experience in varying roles as an operating executive,an investment banker and a management consultant,and he has also worked in Japan and was on the front line of Japan’s 1980s M & A “wave”.Zheng Xiaozhou,is an experienced financial reporter as well as a long term observer of Chinese firm“M & A”issue.
The authors draw on their understanding of Chinese companies and extensive international experience to provide a more detailed and nuanced guide to Chinese firms overseas expansion than other books been able to provide.The book is tied together by the story of“Old Wang”a metaphorical character based on many of the business owners whom the authors have encountered in their many years of work.“Old Wang”is an archetypical Zhejiang businessman whose automotive components business faces a fast changing market environment and an uncertain future.His story is a constant thread running throughout book and is interwoven with the authors’ wider analysis.“Old Wang’s”story puts the reader in the mind of a Chinese entrepreneur and also serves to illustrate some of the mistakes that they make when thinking about the growth of their firms and M & A,bringing to life some of the wider arguments and observations of the book.“Old Wang’s”story is followed as he first begins to think about his firm’s future,decides to acquire an America firm and then seeks to successfully integrate the two companies.
This anecdotal style does not mean the book sacrifices depth or academic rigour.Through 13 chapters the book looks at the entire cross border M & A process,from the initial decision to make an overseas acquisition to the actual merger negotiations,due diligence and financing of a deal.In its analysis the book looks at a wide range of famous merger cases between Chinese and foreign firms,such as Geely’s acquisition of Volvo in 2010,as well as drawing on other historical deals across the world.
The first chapter sets the arguments of the book within the context of the changing Chinese economy,the challenges Chinese firms face and different choices when trying to expand and grow their companies.It then goes on to discuss the decision to engage in M & A,when,how and why should a firm acquire another firm?Moreover when is the right time to sell a firm?And what are the costs and rewards of M & A for a firm?It then discusses in some detail the role of an M & A advisor,how they should work with companies,and current state of the market in China.The middle section analyses the various stages of an overseas merger,from finding an acquisition target,dealing with foreign regulators,conducting negotiations,as well as financing and valuation.Episodes from“Old Wang’s”story are inserted at select points within this analysis to enrich and reinforce the arguments of book.
The book’s final two chapters authored by James H.Groh are devoted to post-merger integration,something that the writer argues is one of the most crucial aspects of any merger and one most often neglected and misunderstood by Chinese companies.These two chapters lay out very detailed and specific guidance for integrating Chinese and foreign firms,backed up with a wealth of case studies and examples.
This book is ambitious and broad in scope; however ultimately it seeks to be a practical book that can provide wisdom and guidance to Chinese companies thinking about overseas M & A.It is both a meditation on Chinese companies and their future expansion as well as a book that provides valuable advice to Chinese business leaders.It is also of wider interest for anyone involved in mergers and acquisitions or indeed anyone who wants to know more about Chinese companies and their future.