Which clips him all about like the tendrils of the vine And shed a flood of softness on the hardness of his heart,He yielded though at first he was minded to decline;
And dreading lest the railer's eye should light upon his form,
Came armoured with caution to baffle his design:
His waist makes moan of hinder cheeks that weigh upon his feet
Like heavy load of merchandise upon young camel li'en;
Girt with his glances scymitar which seemed athirst for blood,
And clad in mail of dusky curls that show the sheeniest shine,His fragrance wafted happy news of footstep coming nigh,
And to him like a bird uncaged I flew in straightest line:
I spread my cheek upon his path,beneath his sandalshoon,
And lo! the stibium[350] of their dust healed all my hurt of eyne.
With one embrace again I bound the banner of our loves[351]
And loosed the knot of my delight that bound in bonds malign:
Then bade I make high festival,and straight came flocking in
Pure joys that know not grizzled age[352] nor aught of pain and pine:
The full moon dotted with the stars the lips and pearly teeth
That dance right joyously upon the bubbling face of wine:
So in the prayerniche of their joys I yielded me to what
Would make the humblest penitent of sinner most indign.
I swear by all the signs[353] of those glories in his face
I'll ne'er forget the Chapter entituled AlIkhlas.'[354]
Then Queen Budur told Kamar alZaman all that had befallen her from beginning to end and he did likewise;after which he began to upbraid her,saying,'What moved thee to deal with me as thou hast done this night?'She replied,'Pardon me! for I did this by way of jest,and that pleasure and gladness might be increased.'
And when dawned the morn and day arose with its sheen and shone,she sent to King Armanus,sire of the Lady Hayat alNufus,and acquainted him with the truth of the case and that she was wife to Kamar alZaman. Moreover,she told him their tale and the cause of their separation,and how his daughter was a virgin,pure as when she was born. He marvelled at their story with exceeding marvel and bade them chronicle it in letters of gold.
Then he turned to Kamar alZaman and said,'O King's son,art thou minded to become my soninlaw by marrying my daughter?'
Replied he,'I must consult the Queen Budur,as she hath a claim upon me for benefits without stint.'And when he took counsel with her,she said,'Right is thy recking;marry her and I will be her handmaid;for I am her debtor for kindness and favour and good offices,and obligations manifold,especially as we are here in her place and as the King her father hath whelmed us with benefits.'[355] Now when he saw that she inclined to this and was not jealous of Hayat alNufus,he agreed with her upon this matter.And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
When it was the Two Hundred and Seventeenth Night,She said,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that Kamar al
Zaman agreed with his wife,Queen Budur,upon this matter and told King Armanus what she had said;whereat he rejoiced with great joy. Then he went out and,seating himself upon his chair of estate,assembled all the Wazirs,Emirs,Chamberlains and Grandees,to whom he related the whole story of Kamar alZaman and his wife,Queen Budur,from first to last;and acquainted them with his desire to marry his daughter Hayat alNufus to the Prince and make him King in the stead of Queen Budur. Whereupon said they all,'Since he is the husband of Queen Budur,who hath been our King till now,whilst we deemed her soninlaw to King Armanus,we are all content to have him to Sultan over us;and we will be his servants,nor will we swerve from his allegiance.'So Armanus rejoiced hereat and,summoning Kazis and witnesses and the chief officers of state,bade draw up the contract of marriage between Kamar alZaman and his daughter,the Princess Hayat alNufus. Then he held high festival,giving sumptuous marriagefeasts and bestowing costly dresses of honour upon all the Emirs and Captains of the host;moreover he distributed alms to the poor and needy and set free all the prisoners. The whole world rejoiced in the coming of Kamar alZaman to the throne,blessing him and wishing him endurance of glory and prosperity,renown and felicity;and,as soon as he became King,he remitted the customsdues and released all men who remained in gaol. Thus he abode a long while,ordering himself worthily towards his lieges;and he lived with his two wives in peace,happiness,constancy and content,lying the night with each of them in turn.
He ceased not after this fashion during many years,for indeed all his troubles and afflictions were blotted out from him and he forgot his father King Shahriman and his former estate of honour and favour with him. After a while Almighty Allah blessed him with two boy children,as they were two shining moons,through his two wives;the elder whose name was Prince Amjad,[356] by Queen Budur,and the younger whose name was Prince As'ad by Queen Hayat alNufus;and this one was comelier than his brother. They were reared in splendour and tender affection,in respectful bearing and in the perfection of training;and they were instructed in penmanship and science and the arts of government and horsemanship,till they attained the extreme accomplishments and the utmost limit of beauty and loveliness;both men and women being ravished by their charms.