Contextual Training
Sandy has just graduated from university. Last week, he passed the entrance exam and job interview of Bank of China. He comes to Bank of China today. It’s a new beginning for him to start his first job. He will meet a lot of new colleagues and customers.
Practice these expressions which you think are most useful
If you want to introduce yourself,
My name is Sandy Liu, Liu is my last name.
I was born in Shenyang in 1984.
I’m a native here.
I know how to operate a computer.
My major is accounting.
If you meet a person for the first time,
How are you / How are you doing?
It’s nice to meet you.
It’s good /nice/my pleasure to meet you. How’s it going?
Fine, thanks!
I’m pleased to meet you.
Opening an Account
Here is a conversation between a clerk and a customer in the bank.
Clerk: Good afternoon! What can I do for you?
Customer: Good afternoon! I want to open an account and deposit some money.
Clerk: Very well, sir. Are you a tourist or are you in business here?
Customer: I’m working in the British Embassy here.
Clerk: Then you are a non-resident, sir?
Customer: Yes, then what kinds of accounts are there?
Clerk: There are current accounts, and fixed time deposit accounts. I suppose it’s the same in England.
Customer: Well yes, it’s almost the same.
Clerk: For the fixed deposit please fill in this signature card and for the current account this one please. And you have to sign this agreement for the fixed deposit.
Customer: Well, just let me have a look at that agreement.
Clerk: Yes, of course.
Customer: I see. Well, where shall I sign? Here?
Clerk: Yes, on the line, sir. And please print your full name under it.
Customer: Here you are. Is that all right?
Clerk: Yes, everything is in order, sir. Would you like to take a seat?
Customer: Thank you!
Clerk: Mr. Johns!
Customer: Yes.
Clerk: Here you are. The certificate of your twelve-month fixed deposit for RMB 10,700.
Customer: Thank you!
New Words and Expressions
native [上neitiv] n. 当地人
graduate [上grædʒuət] v. 毕业
interview [上intəvju:] v. & n. 面试
deposit [di上pɔzit] v. & n. 存款,存入
embassy [上embəsi] n. 大使馆,领事馆
sign [sain] v. 签字,签名
agreement [ə上gri:mənt] n. 协议,协定
fixed account 定期存款
operate [上ɔpəreit] v. 操作
entrance exam 入门考试
clerk [kIa:k] n. 工作人员,职员
suppose [sə上pəuz] v. 假设,猜想
resident [上rezidənt] n. 居民
signature [上signətʃə] n. 签字,签名
certificate [sə上tifikət] n. 证书,证明
current account 活期存款