Notes to the text
1.amendments to the SOLAS convention and its 1978 Protocol关于SOLAS公约及其1978议定书的修正案(介词短语作后置定语)
2.The date chosen for entry into force(我们)选择的生效日期(过去分词短语作后置定语)
3.irrespective of the area in which it operates不管其航行的海区
4. those communication functions considered essential for the safety of the ship itself and of other ships operating in the same area我们认为对船舶自身安全及其航行于同一海区的其他船舶的安全都非常重要的那些通信功能(过去分词短语作后置定语)
5.various subsystems which all have different limitations with respect to coverage关于覆盖范围都有不同限制的各种子系统(定语从句作后置定语)
6.Ships which go further from land离开大陆更远航行的船舶
7.requirements for other equipment designed to improve the chances of survival(我们)设计以提高生存机会的其他设备要求
8.The use of satellite communications to improve maritime safety为了改善航海安全的卫星通信的使用(不定式短语作后置定语)
9.which employs geostationary satellites and operates in 1.5 and 1.6 GHz frequency bands采用静止卫星且工作于1.5及1.6 GHz频带(L波段)
10. Broadcast of maritime safety information to ships using radiotelex will also be provided through the INMARSAT system using either a standard ship station and associated equipment or dedicated facilities. 我们还将用无线电传方式通过INMARSAT系统用标准船站及相关设备或专用设备来提供对船广播海上安全信息。
11.A near polar-orbiting satellite EPIRB service(COSPAS-SARSAT system),operating in 406~406.1MHz frequency band工作于406~406.1MHz频带的近极轨道卫星EPIRB业务(COSPAS-SARSAT系统)(现在分词短语作后置定语)
12.Coast stations participating in the HF distress and safety watch-keeping network参与高频遇险及安全值守网络的海岸电台
13.the geographical area to be alerted将要报警的地理海区
14.ships equipped with the HF option配备高频设备的船舶
15. Distress and safety communications following DSC calling DSC呼叫之后的遇险和安全通信