第135章 CCXLVI
That Emperour calls on his Franks and speaks:
"I love you, lords, in whom I well believe;So many great battles you've fought for me, Kings overthrown, and kingdoms have redeemed!
Guerdon I owe, I know it well indeed;
My lands, my wealth, my body are yours to keep.
For sons, for heirs, for brothers wreak Who in Rencesvals were slaughtered yester-eve!
Mine is the right, ye know, gainst pagan breeds."Answer the Franks: "Sire, 'tis the truth you speak."Twenty thousand beside him Charles leads, Who with one voice have sworn him fealty;In straits of death they never will him leave.
There is not one thenceforth employs his spear, But with their swords they strike in company.
The battle is straitened marvellously.