"I don't pretend to be graceful, though I try to be neat.Why haven't you let me know that Mr.Morris Townsend is coming to the house four times a week?"Mrs.Penniman lifted her eyebrows."Four times a week!""Three times, then, or five times, if you prefer it.I am away all day, and I see nothing.But when such things happen, you should let me know."Mrs.Penniman, with her eyebrows still raised, reflected intently.
"Dear Austin," she said at last, "I am incapable of betraying a confidence.I would rather suffer anything.""Never fear; you shall not suffer.To whose confidence is it you allude? Has Catherine made you take a vow of eternal secrecy?""By no means.Catherine has not told me as much as she might.She has not been very trustful.""It is the young man, then, who has made you his confidant? Allow me to say that it is extremely indiscreet of you to form secret alliances with young men; you don't know where they may lead you.""I don't know what you mean by an alliance," said Mrs.Penniman.
"I take a great interest in Mr.Townsend; I won't conceal that.But that's all.""Under the circumstances, that is quite enough.What is the source of your interest in Mr.Townsend?""Why," said Mrs.Penniman, musing, and then breaking into her smile, "that he is so interesting!"The doctor felt that he had need of his patience."And what makes him interesting? His good looks?""His misfortunes, Austin."
"Ah, he has had misfortunes? That, of course, is always interesting.
Are you at liberty to mention a few of Mr.Townsend's?""I don't know that he would like it," said Mrs.Penniman."He has told me a great deal about himself- he has told me, in fact, his whole history.But I don't think I ought to repeat those things.He would tell them to you, I am sure, if he thought you would listen to him kindly.With kindness you may do anything with him."The doctor gave a laugh."I shall request him very kindly, then, to leave Catherine alone.""Ah!" said Mrs.Penniman, shaking her forefinger at her brother, with her little finger turned out, "Catherine has probably said something to him kinder than that!""Said that she loved him? Do you mean that?"Mrs.Penniman fixed her eyes on the floor."As I tell you, Austin, she doesn't confide in me.""You have an opinion, I suppose, all the same.It is that I ask you for; though I don't conceal from you that I shall not regard it as conclusive."Mrs.Penniman's gaze continued to rest on the carpet; but at last she lifted it, and then her brother thought it very expressive."Ithink Catherine is very happy; that is all I can say.""Townsend is trying to marry her- is that what you mean?""He is greatly interested in her."
"He finds her such an attractive girl?"
"Catherine has a lovely nature, Austin," said Mrs.Penniman, "and Mr.Townsend has had the intelligence to discover that.""With a little help from you, I suppose.My dear Lavinia," cried the doctor, "you are an admirable aunt!""So Mr.Townsend says," observed Lavinia, smiling.
"Do you think he is sincere?" asked her brother.
"In saying that?"
"No; that's of course.But in his admiration for Catherine?""Deeply sincere.He has said to me the most appreciative, the most charming things about her.He would say them to you, if he were sure you would listen to him- gently.""I doubt whether I can undertake it.He appears to require a great deal of gentleness.""He is a sympathetic, sensitive nature," said Mrs.Penniman.
Her brother puffed his cigar again in silence."These delicate qualities have survived his vicissitudes, eh? All this while you haven't told me about his misfortunes.""It is a long story," said Mrs.Penniman, "and I regard it as a sacred trust.But I suppose there is no objection to my saying that he has been wild- he frankly confesses that.But he has paid for it.""That's what has impoverished him, eh?"
"I don't mean simply in money.He is very much alone in the world.""Do you mean that he has behaved so badly that his friends have given him up?""He has had false friends, who have deceived and betrayed him.""He seems to have some good ones too.He has a devoted sister, and half a dozen nephews and nieces."Mrs.Penniman was silent a minute."The nephews and nieces are children, and the sister is not a very attractive person.""I hope he doesn't abuse her to you," said the doctor, "for I am told he lives upon her.""Lives upon her?"
"Lives with her, and does nothing for himself; it is about the same thing.""He is looking for a position most earnestly," said Mrs.Penniman.
"He hopes every day to find one."
"Precisely.He is looking for it here- over there in the front parlor.The position of husband of a weak-minded woman with a large fortune would suit him to perfection!"Mrs.Penniman was truly amiable, but she now gave signs of temper.
She rose with much animation, and stood for a moment looking at her brother."My dear Austin," she remarked, "if you regard Catherine as a weak-minded woman you are particularly mistaken!" And with this she moved majestically away.