For breeding purposes choose winter, and release the bitches from hard work;[1] which will enable them to profit by repose and to produce a fine progeny towards spring, since that season is the best to promote the growth of the young dogs. The bitch is in heat for fourteen days,[2] and the moment at which to put her to the male, with a view to rapid and successful impregnation, is when the heat is passing off. Choose a good dog for the purpose. When the bitch is ready to whelp she should not be taken out hunting continuously, but at intervals sufficient to avoid a miscarriage through her over-love of toil. The period of gestation lasts for sixty days. When littered the puppies should be left to ther own dam, and not placed under another bitch; foster-nursing does not promote growth in the same way, whilst nothing is so good for them as their own mother's milk and her breath,[3] and the tenderness of her caresses.[4]
[1] Or, "Winter is the time at which to pair dogs for breeding, the bitches to be released from hard work, so that with the repose so secured they may produce a fine litter in spring."[2] Lit. "this necessity holds." Cf. Aristot. "H. A." vi. 20; Arrian, xxvii., xxxi. 3.
[3] Cf. Eur. "Tro." 753, {o khrotos edu pneuma}.
[4] Cf. Arrian, xxx. 2; Pollux, v. 50; Columella, vii. 12, 12, ap. Schneid.
Presently, when the puppies are strong enough to roam about, they should be given milk[5] for a whole year, along with what will form their staple diet in the future, but nothing else. A heavy diet will distort the legs of a young dog, engender disease in other limbs, and the internal mechanism will get out of order.[6]
[5] See Arrian, xxxi.; Stonehenge, p. 264.
[6] Or, "the internal organs get wrong" ({adika}). Cf. "Memorabilia,"IV. iv. 5.
They should have short names given them, which will be easy to call out.[7] The following may serve as specimens:--Psyche, Pluck, Buckler, Spigot, Lance, Lurcher, Watch, Keeper, Brigade, Fencer, Butcher, Blazer,Prowess, Craftsman, Forester, Counsellor, Spoiler, Hurry, Fury, Growler, Riot, Bloomer, Rome, Blossom, Hebe, Hilary, Jolity, Gazer, Eyebright, Much, Force, Trooper, Bustle, Bubbler, Rockdove, Stubborn, Yelp, Killer, Pele-mele, Strongboy, Sky, Sunbeam, Bodkin, Wistful, Gnome, Tracks, Dash.[8]
[7] Cf. Arrian, xxxi. 2; Oppian, "Cyn," i. 443; ap. Schneid. [8] The following is Xenophon's list:--{Psukhe} = Soul {Thumos} = Spirit {Porpax} = Hasp of shield{Sturax} = Spike of spear at the butt end {Logkhe} = Lance {Lokhos} = Ambush, or "Company" {Phroura} = Watch {Phulax} = Guard {Taxis} = Order, Rank, Post, Brigade {Xiphon} = Swordsman {Phonax} = Slaughterer, cf. "King Death" {Phlegon} = Blazer {'Alke} = Prowess, Victory {Teukhon} = Craftsman {'Uleus} = Woodsman, "Dashwood"{Medas} = Counsellor {Porthon} = Spoiler, "Rob Roy" {Sperkhon} = Hastener, "Rocket" {'Orge} = Fury, Rage {Bremon} = Growler, Roarer{'Ubris} = Hybris, Riot, Insolence {Thallon} = Blooming, "Gaudy"{'Rome} = Strength, "Romeo" {'Antheus} = Blossom {'Eba} = Youth{Getheus} = Gladsome {Khara} = Joy {Leusson} = Gazer {Augo} = Daybeam {Polus} = Much {Bia} = Force {Stikhon} = Stepping in rank and file {Spoude} = Much ado {Bruas} = Gusher {Oinas} = (1) Vine, (2) Rockdove. See Aristot. "H. A." v. 13, 14; i. 3, 10; Ael. "N. A." iv.
58. = Columba livia = rockdove, the colour of ripening grapes; al.
{oinas} =the vine. {Sterros} = "Stiff," "King Sturdy" {Krauge}
= Clamour. Cf. Plat. "Rep." 607 B. {Kainon} = Killer {Turbas} = "Topsy- turvy" {Sthenon} = Strong man {Aither} = Ether {'Aktis} = Ray of light{Aikhme} = Spear-point {Nors} = Clever (girl) {Gnome} = Maxim{Stibon} = Tracker {'Orme} = Dash. So Arrian ("Cyn." viii. 5) named his favourite hound.