第14章 Anne Boleyn (13)
Amid continued fanfares and acclamations, Harry then led Anne Boleyn through the gateway, followed by the ladies in waiting, who were joined by Richmond and Surrey.The prelate, chancellor, register, black rod, and other officers of the Garter, together with the whole of the royal retinue who had dismounted, came after them.A vast concourse of spectators, extending almost as far as the Lieutenant's Tower, was collected in front of the alms-knights' houses; but a wide space had been kept clear by the henchmen for the passage of the sovereign and his train, and along this Henry proceeded with Anne Boleyn, in the direction of the upper ward.Just as he reached the Norman Tower, and passed the entrance to the keep, the Duke of Shoreditch, who was standing beneath the gateway, advanced towards him and prostrated himself on one knee.
"May it please your majesty," said Shoreditch, "I last night arrested a butcher of Windsor for uttering words highly disrespectful of your highness, and of the fair and virtuous lady by your side.""Ah! God's death! " exclaimed the king."Where is the traitor? Bring him before us.""He is here," replied Shoreditch.
And immediately Mark Fytton was brought forward by a couple of halberdiers.He still preserved his undaunted demeanour, and gazed sternly at the king.
"So, fellow, thou hast dared to speak disrespectfully of us--ha!" cried Henry.
I have spoken the truth," replied the butcher fearlessly."I have said you were about to divorce your lawful consort, Catherine of Arragon, and to take the minion, Anne Boleyn, who stands beside you, to your bed.And I added, it was a wrongful act.""Foul befall thy lying tongue for saying so!" replied Henry furiously."Ihave a mind to pluck it from thy throat, and cast it to the dogs.What ho! guards, take this caitiff to the summit of the highest tower of the castle--the Curfew Tower--and hang him from it, so that all my loyal subjects in Windsor may see how traitors are served.""Your highness has judged him justly," said Anne Boleyn."You say so now, Mistress Anne Boleyn," rejoined the butcher; "but you yourself shall one day stand in as much peril of your life as I do, and shall plead as vainly as I should, were I to plead at all, which I will never do to this inexorable tyrant.You will then remember my end."Away with him! " cried Henry." I myself will go to the Garter Tower to see it done.Farewell for a short while, sweetheart.I will read these partisans of Catherine a terrible lesson."As the butcher was hurried off to the Curfew Tower, the king proceeded with his attendants to the Garter Tower, and ascended to its summit.
In less than ten minutes a stout pole, like the mast of a ship, was thrust through the battlements of the Curfew Tower, on the side looking towards the town.To this pole a rope, of some dozen feet in length, and having a noose at one end, was firmly secured.The butcher was then brought forth, bound hand and foot, and the noose was thrown over his neck.
While this was passing, the wretched man descried a person looking at him from a window in a wooden structure projecting from the side of the tower.
"What, are you there, Morgan Fenwolf?" he cried."Remember what passed between us in the dungeon last night, and be warned l You will not meet your end as firmly as I meet mine?'
"Make thy shrift quickly, fellow, if thou hast aught to say," interposed one of the halberdiers.
"I have no shrift to make," rejoined the butcher."I have already settled my account with Heaven.God preserve Queen Catherine!"As he uttered these words, he was thrust off from the battlements by the halberdiers, and his body swung into the abyss amid the hootings and execrations of the spectators below.
Having glutted his eyes with the horrible sight, Henry descended from the tower, and returned to Anne Boleyn.
IV.How King Henry the Eighth held a Chapter of the Garter--How he attended Vespers and Matins in Saint George's Chapel--And how he feasted with the Knights--Companions in Saint George's Hall.
From a balcony overlooking the upper ward, Anne Boleyn beheld the king's approach on his return from the Garter Tower, and waving her hand smilingly to him, she withdrew into the presence-chamber.
Hastening to her, Henry found her surrounded by her ladies of honour, by the chief of the nobles and knights who had composed her train from Hampton Court, and by the Cardinals Wolsey and Campeggio; and having exchanged a few words with her, he took her hand, and led her to the upper part of the chamber, where two chairs of state were set beneath a canopy of crimson velvet embroidered with the royal arms, and placed her in the seat hitherto allotted to Catherine of Arragon.Asmile of triumph irradiated Anne's lovely countenance at this mark of distinction, nor was her satisfaction diminished as Henry turned to address the assemblage.
"My lords," he said, "ye are right well aware of the scruples of conscience I entertain in regard to my marriage with my brother's widow, Catherine of Arragon.The more I weigh the matter, the more convinced am I of its unlawfulness; and were it possible to blind myself to my sinful condition, the preachers, who openly rebuke me from the pulpit, would take care to remind me of it.Misunderstand me not, my lords.I have no ground of complaint against the queen.Far otherwise.