Yu’s Residence

设计公司:M. Design石坊空间设计研究
摄影:Kyle Yu

With few family members - only the couple, the program is simple; the whole design concept is focused on a transitional solid element that links the public space and the intimate private together. The existing two bedrooms were joined to create an ample reading room; it also connects to an L-shaped open space. In the living room, one finds the main partition and a decorative band on the wall extending further to wrap from the living room to the master bedroom. Because the clients are gourmet food lovers and love to entertain their friends with good food at home, this apartment is equipped with an excellent cooking and food-preparation system. The kitchen is secluded from daily life zone by a glass panel that can be turned around or conceived as a 'show-window' from the living room for looking at how food is prepared and cooked. The layout appears curious on the spatial border between the dining room and the reading space. A book shelf sits between them and that gives the eating and reading room a new meaning in this interesting home.