In accordance with the Yalta agreements,on August 8th 1945 The Soviet Union declared war on Japan and dispatched troops to the areas of Northeast of China,North of Korea,South of Sakhalin and Kuril islands.To Japan's capitulation on August 15th 1945,600 thousand Japanese military men totally were captured as prisoners-of-war(POWs)on the areas mentioned above.The State Committee of Defense of USSR issued Decision No.9898 on August 23rd 1945(On reception,placement and labor use of POWs of Japanese Army): to transfer 500 thousand Japanese POWs to Soviet Union for labor use.From September 1945 to April 1946,Soviet Union transferred more than 500 thousand Japanese POWs to The Soviet Union to collect log,mine,and build railway and highway.From the end of 1946 The Soviet Union began to repatriate those Japanese POWs,but this work hadn't been done until 1956 when Soviet Union and Japan formally established diplomatic relations.Based on a large number of declassified Soviet archives,the newest research results from both Russia and Japan,plenty of witnesses' memoirs and interviews with survivals,the thesis mainly focuses on Soviet administration of Japanese POWs,Japanese POWs' daily life on area of Siberia,USSR.
The thesis contains five chapters.
First chapter,which has three parts,introduces the building prisonerof-war camps and their geographical distribution.The first part reviews the history of Soviet administration of POWs.The second part introduces the process of Soviet-Japanese War and staff composition of Japanese POWs.The third part describes the camps' geographical distribution,the natural and cultural environment and daily guard system.
The second chapter concentrates on the camps' daily management of Japanese POWs.This chapter is made of four parts.The first part introduces the camp's food supply system.The second part describes the camp's daily necessities,hibernation support and daily communication support.The third part discusses about POWs' disease and camp's health care system.The last part discusses about POWs' death and burial.
The third chapter includes two parts: judgment of POWs and ideological education of POWs.This chapter focuses on ideological and political education of POWs and movement of democratic education based on the materials of Japan News,a newspaper printed in Japanese language especially for Japanese POWs in camps.
The fourth chapter focuses on authority's labor use of Japanese POWs in its two parts: principal management system of labor,labor time and labor activities and labor achievements of POWs,analyzing labor use of Japanese POWs as the core activities of Japanese POWs in USSR in full scale.
The fifth chapter discusses the repatriation of Japanese POWs.After World War Ⅱ because of limited diplomatic rights of Japan the repatriation of Japanese POWs was discussed between the Soviet Union and the General Staff of the Allied forces in Japan.On December 19,1946 the Soviet and American sides have gained the Soviet-American agreements on repatriation of Japanese POWs and the repatriation began.On April 22,1950 the Soviet Union through the ITAR-TASS announced the completion of the repatriation of Japanese POWs except a few.The repatriation of rested Japanese POWs will be solved by the Japanese and Soviet governments in establishment of diplomatic relations after Peace Treaty of San Francisco enters into force and Jap anese sovereignty is restored.This chapter contains two parts.The first part analyzes the concentrated repatriation of Japanese POWs,from the end of 1946 to April 22,1950.The second part analyzes the concentrated repatriation of Japanese POWs,from April 22,1950 to the end of 1956.
The last chapter is the conclusion of thesis.Summarizing the whole text,author gives his own deep-going thoughts about the Japanese prisoners-of-war in Soviet Union.
Key words:World War Ⅱ,Japanese prisoner-of-war,democratic education,administration of POWs,the USSR government