better than darkness
is fake darkness
which swindles you
into necking with
someone's antique
better than banks
are false banks
where you change
all your rough money
into legal tender
better than coffee
is blue coffee
which you drink
in your last bath
or sometimes waiting
for your shoes
to be dismantled
better than poetry
is my poetry
which refers
to everything
that is beautiful and
dignified, but is
neither of these itself
better than wild
is secretly wild
as when I am in
the darkness of
a parking space
with a new snake
better than art
is repulsive art
which demonstrates
better than scripture
the tiny measure
of your improvement
better than darkness
is darkless
which is inkier, vaster
more profound
and eerily refrigerated
filled with caves
and blinding tunnels
in which appear
beckoning dead relatives
and other religious
better than love
is wuve
which is more refined
superbly erotic
tiny serene people
with huge genitalia
but lighter than thought
comfortably installed
on an eyelash of mist
and living grimly
ever after
cooking, gardening
and raising kids
better than my mother
is your mother
who is still alive
while mine
is not alive
but what am I saying!
forgive me mother
better than me
are you
kinder than me
are you
sweeter smarter faster
you you you
prettier than me
stronger than me
lonelier than me
I want to get
to know you
better and better
- Mt. Baldy, 1996