More Praise for How You Learn Is How You Live
“As a leadership development coach and continual learner, I loved this book! The authors expertly demonstrate the importance of maximizing our potential through recognizing and developing our personal learning styles. They stress how critical this process is for navigating modern, complex, and ever-changing environments. This book offers assistance through a compelling blend of science, reflective exercises, and real-life examples. I highly recommend it for you, your clients, family, and friends.”
—Sandy Carter, MSW, MBA, PhD, Professional Certified Coach
“Many thanks to Kay Peterson and David Kolb for advancing the important discussion of approaching our learning from a place of intention. Their new book, How You Learn Is How You Live, is a valuable blend of theory and practice, providing research-based depth to their assertions while also bridging to practical examples that meet the needs of a world that looks for immediate application and results. In my work with leaders, I find that the most successful leaders are those who are open to their own learning. This new work from Peterson and Kolb would be a worthy addition to any leadership library and provides a rich addition to the field of adult learning.”
—Mindy Hall, PhD, President and CEO, Peak Development Consulting, LLC
“This is a terrific, practical book about an expanded version of the Kolb learning model. I thought the stories, examples of application, and application tips were practical and at the right degree of detail to help people at all levels and in all functions see how the Kolb learning model can help them grow as individuals and help teams realize their potential.”
—Anne Litwin, PhD, President, Anne Litwin and Associates
“How You Learn Is How You Live is a practical guide grounded in theoretical research. A useful quick read to identify one’s preferred style and provide insight in building human capacity in learning and living.”
—Lisa Massarweh, MSN, RN, Director, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellow (2006–2009)
“I strongly recommend this book to learners who seek to progress in life, who might be by choice or unexpectedly in transition, or who feel there is more to life than just finding your niche of happiness through pure strengths. Knowing your strengths is imperative, yet having the vision to expand your strengths is inspiring.”
—Nancy White, founder and CEO, Workshop AZ
“How You Learn Is How You Live portrays a straightforward, clear, and comprehensive approach that helps readers discover and appreciate how their learning style impacts how they experience life. The book is one that you want to reread again and again—something you want to experience again, each time mindfully approaching living and relating to oneself, to others, and to one’s contribution to our world’s conscious evolution. This is most definitely an impactful book for individuals, for couples, for teams, for organizations—and for the world.”
—Philip R. Belzunce, PhD, and Lalei E. Gutierrez, PhD, holistic psychologists, life-relational coaches, and diversity facilitators
“In their book, How You Learn Is How You Live, Kay Peterson and David Kolb have gifted us with a highly understandable and eminently practical guidebook on experiential learning and its importance to everything we do in life. In our pressured world of skill shortages and talent gaps, this book is recommended reading for every employer, teacher, guidance counselor, workforce developer, and economic developer concerned about creating the workforce of the future. Learning by doing has eclipsed traditional educational and training and development strategies because it works far better. Learning is a leading source of competitive advantage in today’s fast-changing global economy.”
—Don Iannone, President, Donald T. Iannone & Associates
“If you have ever wondered how you learn or why others around you may not be adapting and changing, this book will enlighten you. Read it, absorb it, and you will never talk to your children, colleagues, students, patients, or clients the same way!”
—Richard Boyatzis, PhD, Distinguished University Professor, Departments of Psychology, Cognitive Science, and Organizational Behavior, Case Western Reserve University