代码清单2-4 展示了这两个功能的具体实现代码,其中文章长度计数功能是通过对文章内容执行STRLEN命令来实现的,文章预览功能是通过对文章内容执行GETRANGE命令来实现的。
代码清单2-4 带有长度计数功能和预览功能的文章存储程序:/string/article.py
fromtimeimporttime # time()函数用于获取当前UNIX时间戳 class Article: # 省略之前展示过的__init__()、create()、update()等方法 defget_content_len(self): """ 返回文章内容的字节长度 """ returnself.client.strlen(self.content_key) defget_content_preview(self, preview_len): """ 返回指定长度的文章预览内容 """ start_index = 0 end_index = preview_len-1 returnself.client.getrange(self.content_key, start_index, end_index)
start_index = 0 end_index = preview_len-1
因为预览功能要做的就是返回文章内容的前preview_len个字节,所以上面这两条赋值语句要做的就是计算并记录文章前preview_len个字节所在的索引范围,其中start_index的值总是0,而end_index的值则为preview_len -1。举个例子,假如用户输入的预览长度为150,那么start_index将被赋值为0,而end_index将被赋值为149。
self.client.getrange(self.content_key, start_index, end_index)
>>> fromredisimportRedis >>> fromarticleimportArticle >>> client = Redis(decode_responses=True) >>> article = Article(client, 12345) >>> title = "Improving map data on GitHub" >>> content = "You've been able to view and diff geospatial data on GitHub for a while, but now, in addition to being able to collaborate on the GeoJSON files you upload to GitHub, you can now more easily contribute to the underlying, shared basemap, that provides your data with context." >>> author = "benbalter" >>> article.create(title, content, author) # 将一篇比较长的文章存储起来 True >>> article.get_content_len() # 文章总长273字节 273 >>> article.get_content_preview(100) # 获取文章前100字节的内容 "You've been able to view and diff geospatial data on GitHub for a while, but now, in addition to bei"