First love, the love that clings to your heart forever, no matter how much pain it has caused, no matter how many tears have fallen, first love will never leave your soul.初恋,会永远触动你的心扉。不论你有多少伤痛,不论你流了多少眼泪,那爱将永远流淌在你心间。
Words and Phrases
cling[klɪŋ] v.附着于
accompany[əˈkʌmpənɪ] v.陪伴,伴随
joy[dʒɔɪ] n.欢乐,喜悦
joyful[ˈdʒɔɪfəl] adj.高兴的,快乐的;使人喜悦的
joyous[ˈdʒɔɪəs] adj.令人愉快的
woe[wəʊ] n.悲痛;灾难
For you
The first love is often accompanied by the sweetest joy and wildest woe. The beginning of your love experience, will you forget it? It clings to your heart forever. No matter how much pain it has caused, no matter how many tears have fallen, it will never leave your soul.初恋,有最甜蜜的欢乐,也有最强烈的痛楚。爱之初的体验,你会忘了吗?它将永远触动你的心扉。不论你有多少伤痛,不论你流了多少眼泪,那爱将永远流淌在你心间。