Bally—the classic footwear 皮鞋经典:巴利
已有160年历史的巴利(Bally),原本从事橡胶工业。1849年,卡尔·弗兰茨·巴利(Carl Franz Bally)为帮太太买一对绑绳靴子而游历巴黎,却被引发了做鞋的兴趣。1851年巴利公司成立,1854年开办第一间制鞋工厂。它是在瑞士舒伦活(Schonenwerd)的一个小村落里创立的。到了19世纪70年代,巴利是公认的制鞋行业领导者。1892年,公司名称改为CF Bally。
巴利的哲学是以固有的传统技术,加上现今科技技术融合,将皮料精细地表现出匠心独运的效果。 经过350道手续才能完成的“Bally Scribe”皮鞋是巴利鞋中的最受欢迎的经典代表。平均来说,每双巴利皮鞋要经过200道严格的制作与检验才能上市。品质自不在话下。
巴利不断拓展,将艺术与新技术融入皮鞋生产上。如跟有名艺术家合作宣传海报,合作艺术展览等。如2014年的巴塞尔艺术展,以及2015年的“设计上海”(Design Shanghai)。 参展观众可在展览中欣赏到让·普鲁维(Jean Prouvé)流动组合屋以及一件为此次展览特别设计的装置艺术作品。开幕式上,巴利全球CEO Frédéric de Narp先生、策展人JéromeSans和特邀艺术家王郁洋现场欢迎莅临的贵宾,并阐述了巴利这一瑞士品牌与独具一格的现代主义建筑思潮之间的渊源。全新巴利2015春夏系列亮相开幕酒会,与现场的艺术界、文化界以及创意行业的精英们共同欣赏了此次艺术盛会。
Bally has more than 160 years of history but in the beginning their main manufacture was ribbon. In 1849 the founder Carl Franz Bally travelled to Paris and he wanted to buy lace-up boots for his wife and then it drew his attention in shoe making. Afterwards he set up a company in 1851. In 1854, he established the first shoe making factory and was located in Schonenwerd, a small village in Switzerland. Until 1870, Bally was alleged the pioneer in shoe making, and in 1892, its name changed to CF Bally.
The philosophy of Bally is to combine their existing techniques and craftsmanship together with new technology so as to show their uniqueness in making leather shoes. One of the renowned shoes “Bally Scribe” was done using 350 procedures to get it finished. And in general, every pair of Bally has to go through 200 phases of manufacturing and testing before launching on market. So you see the quality of the product is superb.
Bally also extends their features to art. For example, they collaborated with famous artists to promote their shoes on poster and exhibition, like one in Art Basel 2014 and “Design Shanghai” in 2015. The exhibition also showcases Jean Prouvé's mobile house and an installation art for the event. In the opening ceremony, the Bally CEO, Mr Frédéric de Narp, the organizer JérômeSans and artist Wang Yukyang who welcomes honorable guests and explained the relationship between the long history of brand and modern architecture style. The 2015 S/S collection with the opening ceremony which invited aritists and designers of excellence who participated in the event was a great success.
The combination of cutting edge craftsmanship and technology have made Bally brand new.
Shop in Hong Kong: 101 Canton Road, Ocean Centre, 2F/231Harbour City, Kowloon, Hong Kong
香港地址: 香港九龙尖沙咀广东道101号海港城海洋中心2F/231
Illustration/插图: Alice Cheung Suk Ying