There are many issues specific to France in the gilets jaunes protests. But the crisis confronting Macron speaks also to wider issues of disaffection and turmoil in Europe, from austerity to Brexit. The French were tired and disillusioned by the traditional right and the traditional left and desired something else which is moderate, middle of the road. What has disillusioned people is not just the traditional left and right, but a political system deaf to their needs and interests. There are two elements to populism:disaffection with mainstream parties and institutions and the particular form that such disaffection takes. Much hostility to populism is hostility to the disaffection itself. Many dismiss the disaffected as uneducated or bigoted, their demands as backward or unreasonable.
Yet it's not populist disaffection that is unreasonable, but the policies and institutions that have created that disaffection. Policies that have driven up inequality and driven down living standards. Institutions that have excluded people from the process of decision-making. There has been much talk of“out of touch”politicians. Little expresses that out-of-touchness more than the fact that for almost a decade politicians have spent more energy worrying about populism than about the policies that have nurtured disaffection.
A key question often raised is whether disaffection is driven primarily by economic or by cultural factors. Disaffection, many argue, is the result of a sense of cultural loss, primarily as a result of immigration. The French protests show, though, that the relationship between the economic and the cultural is more complicated. The immediate cause of the protests was economic—fuel tax rises. It was one expression of the anger at the erosion of working-class living standards endured across Europe. What worries people, though, is not just stagnating wages or cuts to public services, but their loss of power in influencing policies that shape their lives.
The decline of working-class power and labour movement organisations has helped obscure the economic and political roots of social problems. Culture, rather than class, has become the medium through which social issues are now refracted. Working-class troubles have come to be seen less as products of class-based politics than of cultural loss. The cultural Other is increasingly viewed as a threat to the working class. This has allowed the far right to shape disaffection, and to gain electoral credibility.
The question we need to ask is“How can we give progressive shape to people's disaffection? ”Otherwise the left will remain standing on the sidelines, allowing the radical right to take centre stage.
1.What is happening in France ________.
[A]arises from the conflict of traditional left and right
[B]also reflects similar problems that trouble Europe
[C]is caused by the hostility to the populist movement
[D]disillusions the political leaders of the country
2.The protestors are disaffected by the politicians because the latter ________.
[A]swing between the traditional left and right
[B]become hostile to their reasonable demands
[C]ignore their needs and demands for too long
[D]regard them as uneducated and short-sighted
3.All of the following fuel the populist dissatisfaction except ________.
[A]lowered living standard
[B]influx of immigrants
[C]reduction in public services
[D]discriminatory policies
4.The radical right forces ________.
[A]are the progressive forces better suited to lead France
[B]turn people's disaffection to their political advantage
[C]know the real needs and demands of the working class
[D]care more about political problems than cultural ones
5.The expression“standing on the sidelines”(Para. 5)probably means ________.
[A]become viewers rather than active participants
[B]fail to take a stand on two opposing viewpoints
[C]become attached to outdated political views
[D]become the target of people's dissatisfaction
1.specific/spi ˈsifik/a.特殊的,具体的
2.confront/kən ˈfrʌnt/vt.出现……面前;面对,对抗
3.disaffection/ˈdisə ˈfekʃn/n.不满,不喜欢
4.turmoil/ ˈtəːmɔil/n.骚动,动乱
5.austerity/ɔs ˈteriti/n.经济紧缩;节俭
6.disillusion/ˈdisi ˈluːʒən/vt.幻灭;理想破灭
7.moderate/ ˈmɔdərit/a.温和的;有节制的,适中的
8.element/ ˈelimənt/n.元素,要素
9.mainstream/ ˈmeinstriːm/a.主流的
10.institution/ˈinsti ˈtjuːʃən/n.机构;制度;设立,创立
11.hostility/hɔs ˈtiliti/n.敌意,敌对
12.bigoted/ ˈbigətid/a.顽固的,偏执的
13.backward/ ˈbækwəd/a.向后的;落后的,过时的
14.nurture/ ˈnəːtʃə/vt.培育,培养
15.immigration/ˈimi ˈɡ reiʃən/n.移入,移民
16.immediate/i ˈmiːdjət/a.直接的;立即的
17.erosion/i ˈrəuʒən/n.腐蚀,侵蚀;消减
18.endure/in ˈdj uə/vt.忍受,忍耐;持久,持续
19.stagnate/ ˈstæɡ neit/vi.停滞不前
21.obscure/əb ˈskj uə/vt.使模糊,遮蔽
22.medium/ ˈmiːdjəm/n.媒介;手段,工具
23.electoral/i ˈlektərəl/a.选举(人)的
24.credibility/ˈkredi ˈbiliti/n.可靠性,可信
25.progressive/prə ˈɡ resiv/a.进步的;渐进的
26.sideline/ ˈsaidlain/n.边线,边界外;旁观
27.radical/ ˈrædikəl/a.激进的,彻底的;根本的
1.gilets jaunes 黄背心(黄马甲)
2.Brexit(= Britain exit)英国脱欧
3.populism 平民主义;民粹主义
4.refract 折射
1.Little expresses that...disaffection.(第二段)
这个句子是little...more than的句式,可以译作“没有比……更多(能)”,肯定的是than之后表达的内容,即这里的the fact及其后的同位语从句表达的内容。本文中populism/populist可以译成“平民主义”,也可以译成“民粹主义”,因为后者有贬义,而本文使用的populism/populist似乎没有贬义,故译成“平民主义”。
2.Working-class troubles have...cultural loss.(第四段)
3.Otherwise the left will remain...centre stage.(第五段)
这是一个比喻,sideline指比赛场地的边线,因此standing on the sidelines指不上场,只做替补队员。相反,centre stage指舞台中心,也是最吸引注意力的地方。本句中radical right与第四段中的far right都指极右势力,在法国它主要指政治家勒庞领导的极右势力。
In the recent proposal put forward by President Trump and two Republican Senators regarding legal immigration, it was announced that the annual number of refugees seeking political asylum would be arbitrarily capped at 50,000, rather than at a level mandated each year by the president. Asylum is a defining element of America's national identity. The United States bears a special stake in the plight of refugees, which originated well before the Statue of Liberty famously urged foreign nations to send“your tired, your poor, your huddled masses. ”Today, opportunities for asylum in America stands imperiled on multiple fronts, not least owing to the priorities of President Trump.
Diverse reforms would help to improve the asylum process, including prioritizing the admission of families, especially women and children, the most common victims of abuse and the least prone to violent crime. Serious efforts need to be made not only to improve screening and to appoint larger numbers of asylum officers and judges but also to permit impoverished refugees some form of free counseling. Conversely, lawyers who knowingly facilitate fraudulent applications should be punished.
At a time when America has grown reluctant to promote democracy abroad by nation-building, the need to afford sanctuary has grown all the more acute. If we have failed, time and again, from Vietnam to Iraq, to remake foreign countries in our image, the United States should remain true to its historic identity, all the while encouraging other democracies to follow our example. The Trump administration and Congress should reaffirm not diminish America's commitment. On this issue, it is no time for the United States to lead from behind, much less succumb to nativism. The successful integration of all foreign immigrants into American society, of course, remains critical.
Admission, like citizenship, entails responsibilities as well as benefits, first and foremost the privilege of residence in the United States. Domestic opposition to immigration might subside if sustained attempts were made to offer instruction not only in English but also in the basic tenets of the American system of government, beginning with the essential premise of equality before the law, irrespective of gender, race, religion and sexual orientation.
However culturally diverse, the nation rests upon a historic commitment to democratic-republicanism, with a balance struck by the Founders between majority rule and minority rights.Americans remain bound not by religion, ethnicity, race, or, for that matter, language, but by a set of political values embedded in the Constitution. It is those same principles on which the doctrine of political asylum is predicated in a world beset by intolerance and oppression.
1.America“bears a special stake in the plight of refugees”(Para. 1)in that ________.
[A]accepting more refugees can benefit the country
[B]helping refugees is a defining feature of the country
[C]it is the only country that can accommodate many refugees
[D]it is the country many refugees first choose to go to
2.The word“imperil”(Para. 1)most probably means ________.
3.The author supports all the immigration reforms except ________.
[A]giving favored consideration to women and children
[B]checking up the applications more intensively
[C]re-training immigration officers and judges
[D]punishing lawyers who consent to dishonesty
4.The author insists that no immigration policy be made ________.
[A]in making other democratic countries disappointed
[B]under the excuse of enhancing America's image
[C]in hurting the interests of the immigrants
[D]at the expense of America's national identity
5.Once accepted, immigrants should ________.
[A]make efforts to learn English and the culture
[B]learn how the American government works
[C]guard against any discriminatory behavior
[D]respect the rights of both the majority and minority
1.Republican/ri ˈpʌblikən/a.共和党的
2.senator/ ˈsenətə/n.参议员
3.regarding/ri ˈɡɑːdiŋ/prep.关于,有关
4.immigration/ˈim ˈiɡ reʃiən/n.移入,移民
5.announce/ə ˈnauns/vt.宣布;广播
6.refugee/ˈrefjuː ˈdʒiː/n.难民,避难者
7.asylum/ə ˈsailəm/n.避难
8.arbitrarily/ ˈɑːbitrərili/ad.武断地,随意地
9.mandate/ ˈmændeit/vt.批准,发命令
12.originate/ə ˈridʒineit/vi.发源,产生
13.huddle/ ˈhʌdl/v.挤成一团,塞进
14.imperil/im ˈperil/vt.使陷于危险
15.priority/prai ˈɔriti/n.优先(安排的事情)
16.abuse/ə ˈbjuːs/n.滥用;辱骂,虐待
18.screening/ ˈskriːniŋ/n.审查,筛查
19.impoverish/im ˈpɔvəriʃ/vt.使贫困;使枯竭
20.counseling/ ˈkaunsəliŋ/n.咨询,建议
21.conversely/kən ˈvəːsli/ad.相反地
22.facilitate/fə ˈsiliteit/vt.使容易;帮助,促进
23.fraudulent/ ˈfrɔːdjulənt/a.欺骗(性)的
24.reluctant/ri ˈlʌktənt/a.不愿意的,勉强的
25.acute/ə ˈkjuːt/a.尖锐的,敏锐的;剧烈的
26.administration/ˈədminis ˈtreʃiən/n.管理;行政;政府
27.reaffirm/ ˈrːiə ˈfəːm/vt.重申,确认
28.succumb/sə ˈkʌm/vi.屈服,屈从
29.integration/ˈinti ˈɡ reiʃən/n.结合;使一体化
30.immigrant/ ˈimiɡ rənt/n.移民
31.entail/in ˈteil/vt.带来,引起;需要
32.first and foremost 首先,首要地
33.privilege/ ˈprivilidʒ/n.特权
34.subside/səb ˈsaid/vi.下沉;消减
35.tenet/ ˈtiːnet/n.教条,信条
36.premise/ ˈpremis/n.前提
37.irrespective of 不考虑,不顾
38.orientation/ˈɔːrien ˈteiʃən/n.定位,定向
39.ethnicity/eθ ˈnisiti/n.民族特征
40.embed/im ˈbed/vt.嵌入,植根于
41.doctrine/ ˈdɔktrin/n.教条;原理
42.oppression/ə ˈpreʃən/n.压迫,压制
1.the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像
2.sanctuary 避难处
3.nativism 本土主义(论调)
4.republicanism 共和制
5.predicate 使根据于
6.intolerance 不宽容,不容忍
1.The United States bears...huddled masses.(第一段)
本句中which引导定语从句,修饰stake,这里stake意为special interest or involvement(利益攸关,关切), bears a special stake in the plight of refugees的字面意思是“难民的困境与美国利益攸关”,即对难民的关注反映了美国社会的本质特征。作者认为,对难民的这种关切是美国的一个传统,是美国之所以是美国的标志。另外,your tired, your poor, your huddled masses(那劳瘁贫贱的流民)是镌刻在位于纽约的自由女神像(the Statue of Liberty)上的铭文的一部分,其中masses指“群众,大众”。后半句话的意思是:早在自由女神像竖立之前,美国就已经成为接纳难民的象征。
2.On this issue...to nativism.(第三段)
本句中,this issue指美国对避难者的关心(commitment),为避难者提供sanctuary(避难所); lead from behind是说做幕后领导者:作者认为美国应该在接受移民上走在世界前列,从而对世界上其他国家起到榜样作用;much less可以译作“更不”; succumb to意为“屈服于,让步于”; nativism指特朗普宣称的要把美国人的利益放在首位,包括美国人的就业机会等。
3.However culturally diverse...minority rights.(第五段)
However culturally diverse(America is)是一个省略的让步从句。在主句中,词组rests upon意为“基于”;词组strike a balance意为“在……间取得平衡”; majority rule指选举中多数获胜的规则;在minority rights中,“少数人”这里并非指少数族群,而是指在选举中自己支持的候选人没有当选、因此在政府中没有代表自己利益的人的那些人。比如,文章中提到的特朗普总统的移民政策,更多的是体现了选举他的那一部分选民的诉求,而不是所有美国人的诉求。另外,the Founders指的是美国的Founding Fathers(开国元勋)。
Two weeks after Britain's EU referendum, Europe has defied predictions that the UK's vote to leave would inspire a surge in copycat breakaway movements.In Germany, the Brexit aftermath has seen Angela Merkel's popularity ratings surge to a 10-month high, almost returning to the level the chancellor enjoyed before the height of the refugee crisis last September.Rightwing populist party Alternative fü r Deutschland, meanwhile, has seen its ratings drop by three percentage points to 11%.“The Brexit debate has fostered a more pro-European climate among the German population, ”said Infratest Dimap's managing director Michael Kunert.“The government is profiting from this trend while populist, eurosceptic parties are suffering.”
In the Netherlands, seen as one of the countries that could potentially follow Britain's example, support for the Freedom party of far-right politician Geert Wilders has fallen to its lowest level since last autumn.One poll suggests Wilders could win 30 out of the 150 seats in parliament if an election were held now, three fewer than a week ago, though his party remains the most popular in the fragmented Dutch political landscape.Wilders this week pressed ahead with his vow to make a“Nexit”referendum one of the key themes of the general election next March, calling the EU“a totalitarian institution”.
The resulting political chaos and economic uncertainty of Brexit appears to have had a direct effect on attitudes in Austria, where a eurosceptic populist candidate will stand in the repeat presi dential elections on 2 October.The change in mood appears to have also affected the views of the anti-immigration Freedom party's presidential candidate.Having previously advocated a referendum if the EU were to take steps towards further integration, Norbert Hofer told Die Presse on Friday that he was“not in favour of an Austrian exit from the European Union”.
The picture is more balanced in southern Europe.In France, the far-right, ant-i EU and ant-i immigration Front National has remained stable in the polls.Its leader, Marine Le Pen, is widely expected to get through to the final round of the presidential race in spring 2017 but is not predicted to win the run-off.In Italy, the political landscape has shifted over the last two weeks, but there have been both losses and gains for eurosceptic parties.While there is widespread scepticism of Brussels, a majority of Italians believe they are better off in the EU.One poll carried out since the Brexit outcome found 66% of Italians would vote to remain in the EU, with just 26% opting to leave and 8% undecided.
1.Before Brexit, it had been expected that ________.
[A]Brexit would be strongly supported in Germany
[B]the German chancellor's ratings would fall after Brexit
[C]other countries would follow Britain's example
[D]most Europeans countries would benefit from Brexit
2.Wilders' party is now endeavoring to ________.
[A]get more parliament seats in the election
[B]obtain a referendum for the Nexit
[C]win the general election next March
[D]make his party the most popular one
3.Which of the following is NOT true of Norbert Hofer?
[A]He seems to have changed his attitude to the EU.
[B]He is Freedom party's presidential candidate.
[C]His attitude affects the presidential candidate's views.
[D]He is against further integration of the European Union.
4.The political situation in France and Italy is ________.
[A]less affected by the Brexit outcome
[B]radically different from each other
[C]not dominated by rightwing parties
[D]is made worse by the Brexit outcome
5.The best title of the text is ________.
[A]Who Will Be the Next One Voting to Leave
[B]The Influence of Brexit Is Not Felt by the World
[C]Britain and the Netherlands Are Ready to Exit
[D]Brexit Causes Revival in Pro-EU Feelings in Europe
1.referendum/ˈrefə ˈrendəm/n.公投
2.defy/di ˈfai/vt.反抗,违抗;不服从
3.inspire/in ˈspaiə/vt.引起,产生
5.copycat/ ˈkɔpikæt/n.模仿者,照搬者
6.aftermath/ ˈaːftəmæθ/n.后面;后果
7.rating/ ˈreitiŋ/n.评级
8.chancellor/ ˈtʃaːnsələ/n.(德国等)首相;(英国)财政大臣
9.refugee/ˈrefjuː ˈdʒːi/n.难民
10.foster/ ˈfɔstə/vt.养育,培育
11.Netherlands/ ˈneðələndz/n.荷兰
13.parliament/ ˈpaːləmənt/n.议会
14.fragment/ ˈfræɡ mənt/vt.成碎片,分裂
15.landscape/ ˈlændskeip/n.风景,景象
18.totalitarian/ˈtəutæli ˈtɛəriən/a.极权主义的
19.institution/ˈinsti ˈtjuːʃən/n.机构;设立;制度
21.candidate/ ˈkændidit/n.候选人
22.immigration/ˈim ˈiɡ reʃiən/n.移民(入境)
23.advocate/ ˈædvəkeit/vt.主张,提倡
24.integration/ˈinti ˈɡ reiʃən/n.一体化,结合
25.exit/ ˈeksit/n.出口;退出
27.gain/ɡ ein/n.盈利,获益,收益
28.scepticism/ ˈskeptisizəm/n.怀疑态度
29.better off 情况更好,更富裕
30.outcome/ ˈautkʌm/n.结果,后果
1.populist 民粹主义的
2.eurosceptic 对欧盟持怀疑态度的人
3.run-off 加时赛,第二轮比赛
1.In Germany, the Brexit aftermath...last September.(第一段)
本句的主干结构是see someone/something do something,其中almost returning to...September是现在分词短语作同位语,进一步解释surge to a 10-month high。本句中,the chancellor指Angela Merkel,而the refugee crisis指2015年德国总理默克尔公开表示德国愿意接受100万来自叙利亚等战乱国家和地区的难民,结果某些难民到达德国后给德国社会带来了社会动荡,在德国的几个城市发生抢劫和强奸等犯罪活动。
2.Wilders this week pressed...institution.(第二段)
本句中,词组press ahead/forward/on(with sth.)意为continue(doing sth.)in a determined way坚决地继续(进行某事物),坚持(做某事),加紧(做某事);不定式短语to make...next March作定语,修饰vow,表示宣誓的内容;general election指“普选,大选”。
3.The resulting political chaos...2 October.(第三段)
本句中,where引导定语从句,修饰Austria;形容词eurosceptic指对欧盟持怀疑态度的人,或反对欧洲一体化的人;词组stand in意为“参加”;因为上一次选举被判无效,故进行repeat election。
在英国退出欧盟的全民公决两周后,欧洲并没有看到支持下列预测的迹象,即英国投票脱欧将引起模仿其退出行动的国家的激增。在德国,英国脱欧的结果使得默克尔的支持度剧增到10个月前的高度,几乎回到去年九月难民危机前这位总理享受的水平。同时,右翼的民粹党——德国新选择党的支持率下降了3%,到了11%。民调机构Infratest Dimap的执行总裁Michael Kunert说,“英国退欧的争论在德国人中促成了一个更支持欧盟的气氛。政府从这种倾向中受益,而民粹的、对欧盟持怀疑态度的政党遭受损失。”
荷兰被看作最可能效法英国榜样的国家之一,在那里,对极右政治家Geert Wilders领导的自由党的支持降到去年夏天以来最低水平。一次民意测验表明,假如现在举行选举,Wilders的党只能获得议会150个席位中的30个,比一周前少3席,虽然其政党仍然是四分五裂的荷兰政治状况中最受欢迎的。本周,Wilders继续推进他的誓言,要使“荷兰脱欧”的全民公投成为明年三月大选的主题之一,他称欧盟是一个“极权主义制度”。
英国脱欧所导致的政治混乱和经济不确定性,似乎对奥地利人的态度产生了直接影响,在那里,一个对欧盟持怀疑态度的民粹主义候选人将在10月2号参加重复的总统选举。情绪的变化似乎也影响到反移民的自由党的总统候选人的观点。Norbert Hofer原先曾主张,如果欧盟采取措施推进一体化,就(在奥地利)举行一次全民公决。但是本周五,他告诉《新闻报》,他“不支持奥地利退出欧盟”。
在南欧,状态更平衡一些。在法国,极右的、反欧盟的、反移民的国民阵线在民调中保持稳定地位。其党魁Marine Le Pen被广泛认为能杀入2017年春季总统选举的最后一轮,但是没有人预测她能赢得第二轮选举。在意大利,政治状态在过去两周中已经有所改变,但是对欧盟持怀疑态度的政党有得也有失。虽然对位于布鲁塞尔的欧盟普遍持怀疑态度,但是大多数意大利人相信留在欧盟中更好。英国脱欧结果后的一次民调显示,66%的意大利人会投票支持留在欧盟,只有26%的人选择离开,另有8%的人犹豫不决。
Angela Merkel has significantly stiffened her rhetoric on Brexit, telling an audience of German business leaders that any exception to the EU's single market rules would represent“a systemic challenge for the entire European Union”.The German chancellor's remarks reflect an apparent toughening of positions after Theresa May announced on Sunday that the UK would begin formal divorce talks by the end of March and indicated it was heading for a“hard Brexit”.
Merkel appealed to German firms to show a united front with EU governments in negotiations over Britain's departure from the bloc, urging them to support the principle of“full access to the single market only in exchange for signing up to the four freedoms”.If any one country was allowed an exception, she said, “you can imagine how all countries will put conditions on free movement with other countries.And that would create an extremely difficult situation.”
The applause for Merkel's comments put a further question mark over the argument of British pro-Brexit politicians that German businesses will inevitably pressure their government to preserve their trade links with the UK and resist tariffs.Markus Kerber, the leader of Germany's largest industry group, said last week that trade, investments and single market solidarity with the rest of the EU were more important than the volume of business German companies do with Britain.
The four freedoms—free movement of goods, capital, services, and people—could not be decoupled.That cannot be negotiated.These principles are the basis for everything the EU does. Brexit was“not just an accounting exercise”for the EU 27.Britain's deal had to be fair, but it has to be inferior.The idea that Britain can come back with a superior deal, or even the same deal, is not acceptable.Of course, if your priority is controlling immigration, it may not be a worse deal.But it must be inferior in terms of the whole package.
The tone of Merkel's remarks in particular stands in sharp contrast to the conciliatory language coming out of Berlin in the immediate aftermath of the referendum, when leading politicians pleaded for London to be given more time to think through the consequences of the vote.Jens Spahn, a senior member of her Christian Democrat Union party, confirmed the tough line, including no pre-negotiations before article 50 is triggered.The EU 27 would take four or five weeks to confirm a common position on Brexit once Britain had triggered article 50, after which day-to-day talks would be handled by the European commission's chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, and his German deputy, Sabine Weyand.
1.Angela Merkel implies in her remarks that ________.
[A]Britain will pose threat to the EU market rules
[B]Britain won't get favorable terms in Brexit talks
[C]Britain's economy will suffer a hard landing
[D]Germany and Britain can trade in a single market
2.The principle grants countries full access to the single market only if ________.
[A]they don't want to be exceptions
[B]they unite with EU governments
[C]they don't support Britain's departure
[D]they don't restrict free movement
3.British politicians have the idea that ________.
[A]Merkel's comments are much to the point
[B]frequent trade links will break down heavy tariffs
[C]the departure from EU won't affect business much
[D]trade volume is likely to increase after Brexit
4.By saying Britain's deal must be“inferior”, the author means ________.
[A]the EU governments should regard Britain as inferior
[B]no terms with Britain should violate the general principle
[C]Britain should regard immigration issue as less important
[D]Britain's effort to control immigration is a bad policy
5.Immediately after the Brexit voting, Merkel ________.
[A]made clear her tough-line position
[B]expressed a more moderate attitude
[C]asked the EU to trigger article 50
[D]refused to pre-negotiate with Britain
1.significantly/sig ˈnifikəntli/ad.显著地,相当大地
2.stiffen/ ˈstifn/vt.使变硬,使变强
3.rhetoric/ ˈretərik/n.修辞,言辞
4.represent/ˈrepri ˈzent/vt.代表;描述,再现
5.chancellor/ ˈtʃaːnsələ/n.(德、奥等国)首相;(英国)财政大臣
6.remark/ri ˈmaːk/n.评论,言语
7.toughen/ ˈtʌfn/vt.使强硬,使坚强
8.announce/ə ˈnauns/vt.宣布,通知
9.divorce/di ˈvɔːs/n.离婚,分离,脱离
10.appeal/ə ˈpiːl/vi.恳求,呼吁;求助;上诉;吸引
11.negotiation/nˈiɡəuʃ ˈi eʃiən/n.磋商,谈判
12.departure/di ˈpaːtʃə/n.出发,离开
15.principle/ ˈprinsəpl/n.原则,原理
16.in exchange for 换取,作为交换
17.extremely/ik ˈstriːmli/ad.极其,极端地
18.applause/ə ˈplɔːz/n.掌声
19.inevitably/in ˈevitəbli/ad.无可避免地
20.preserve/pri ˈzəːv/vt.保护;保管
21.tariff/ ˈtærif/n.关税
22.solidarity/ˈsɔli ˈdæriti/n.团结一致
23.accounting/ə ˈkauntiŋ/n.会计
24.inferior/in ˈfiəriə/a.次一级的;劣等的
25.superior/sjuː ˈpiəriə/a.高一级的;优等的
26.priority/prai ˈɔriti/n.优先(权),优先安排的事儿
27.immigration/ˈim ˈiɡ reʃiən/n.移民
28.package/ ˈpækidʒ/n.一揽子的事情;包裹
30.conciliatory/kən ˈsiliətəri/a.安抚的,调和的
31.referendum/ˈrefə ˈrendəm/n.公投
33.confirm/kən ˈfəːm/vt.证实,确认
34.trigger/ ˈtriɡə/vt.触发;引起
35.handle/ ˈhændl/vt.处理,对待;操作
36.commission/kə ˈmiʃən/n.委员会
37.deputy/ ˈdepjuti/n.代表,代理人
1.decoupled 分离,断开
2.Christian Democrat Union 基督教民主联盟(德国党派)
1.The German chancellor's remarks... “hard Brexit”.(第一段)
句中The German chancellor指德国首相默克尔,Theresa May是英国首相;position意为“立场”,这里指德国对英国脱欧的态度立场;divorce原指“离婚”, divorce talks这里指英国与欧盟的脱欧谈判;词组head for意为“走向,动身去往”; hard Brexit区别于soft Brexit,前者指完全脱离欧洲,后者指部分脱欧。
2.Merkel appealed to...four freedoms”.(第二段)
句中a united front with EU governments是要求德国企业领导人与欧盟各国政府结成统一战线,不向英国脱欧做出任何让步;the bloc指the European Union(欧盟), departure from the bloc指脱欧;词组in exchange for意为“换取”, sign up to意为“签字同意”。“原则”是指:只有英国签字允许四大自由,欧洲市场才能向英国完全开放,言外之意,如果只允许其中的一两个自由,欧洲市场就不能向英国完全开放。four freedoms指第四段提到的货物、资本、服务和人员的自由流动。
支持脱欧的英国政治家曾经认为,德国企业最终会迫使其政府保留与英国的贸易联系并抵制关税,但默克尔的评价赢得的掌声给这一观点打上了一个问号。Markus Kerber是德国最大企业集团的领袖,他上周说,贸易、投资和巩固与欧盟其他国家的单一市场,比德国公司与英国的贸易量更重要。
默克尔讲话的调子与紧接公投后柏林使用的妥协语言形成特别鲜明的对比,当时,几位主要政治领导人请求给伦敦更多时间,好好思考公投带来的后果。Jens Spahn是基督教民主联盟党资深成员,她表达了强硬的立场,包括在触发第50条款前不进行任何预谈判。一旦英国触发第50条款,欧盟27国需要四五周的时间确认它们在英国脱欧上的一致立场,此后日常谈判将由欧洲委员会的主谈判人Michel Barnier和他的德国副手Sabine Weyand处理。
Women have climbed further than their male counterparts at private companies, where just 16 percent of executives are women.Meanwhile, women are gradually advancing to the highest levels of government, where they now represent 33.7 percent of the leaders known as senior executives.Women and men have not reached parity in the top ranks of government.But among the 7,187 career senior executives, they've reached pay parity, with women getting a slight edge.
The Government Accountability Office, a little-known agency that acts as the government's fiscal watchdog, has quietly cultivated a culture that has helped women thrive.Women make up 41 percent of the senior executives there, substantially above the government-wide average.The GAO has what's best described as an unglamorous mission:It audits government programs for Congress to ensure that taxpayers get the most efficient and accountable spending for their money.
Yet the GAO is not just a good place to work(it consistently ranks near the top among midsize agencies in the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government annual rankings)but a good place to work for women.Of the agency's 121 senior executives,50 are women, including the general counsel and chief operating officer.Government agencies have long prided themselves on helping their employees balance their work and personal lives.The GAO's approach is more serious than most:day care on site at the Washington headquarters, a student loan repayment program, a generous telework policy—65 percent of the staff worked from home one day or more per pay period last year—and a flexible relocation policy.
When she was hired 26 years ago as an entry-level analyst right out of graduate school, Orice Williams Brown told herself she would do this for a few years until the financial markets, still reeling from a crash, recovered.But her first assignment was intriguing to her that she decided to stay.She was promoted to senior executive in 2005, in charge of the team that audits financial markets and community investment.Five years ago, she was made a managing director.
“The work is extremely appealing, ”Williams Brown said.“It's a family-friendly culture.I've seen people advance regardless of where they are in their personal life.I've seen people promoted who are out on maternity leave.”She said that by having employees work in teams with experts from different disciplines, the GAO puts a premium on collaborative skills and coming to collective decisions.That's one of the things women are really socialized to do.
1.At top government levels women executives ________.
[A]can rival men in the highest ranks
[B]lead better than their male counterparts
[C]suffer no discrimination in payment
[D]have assumed a more aggressive style
2.Compared with other government agencies, the GAO ________.
[A]has fostered more women leaders
[B]possess more power than other agencies
[C]has more duties for the taxpayers
[D]takes on a more important mission
3.The GAO provides all the following conveniences except ________.
[A]paying for employees' telecommunication
[B]setting aside a center for child care
[C]allowing employees to work at home
[D]transferring employees to other cities
4.Williams Brown's experience illustrates that ________.
[A]women are better employees than their male counterparts
[B]the GAO has fostered a culture for women to prosper
[C]women should have confidence in their capability
[D]the appeal of the work is a key element leading to success
5.We can conclude that women who want to get ahead should ________.
[A]work in one place rather than changing jobs constantly
[B]learn to balance their family life and career properly
[C]learn to collaborate with experts from different fields
[D]look to the government rather than private companies
1.counterpart/ ˈkauntəpaːt/n.对应的人或物
2.executive/iɡ ˈzekjutiv/n.行政主管,高管
3.represent/ˈrepri ˈzent/vt.代表;再现,描绘
4.senior/ˈ siːnjə/a.年长的,高级的
5.parity/ ˈpæriti/n.同等,均等
7.accountability/əˈkauntə ˈbiliti/n.有责任,有义务
8.agency/ ˈeidʒənsi/n.机构;代理结构
9.fiscal/ ˈfiskəl/a.财政的,国库的
10.watchdog/ ˈwɔtʃdɔg/n.监察结构;看门狗
11.cultivate/ ˈkʌltiveit/vt.种植,培育
13.substantially/səb ˈstænʃəli/ad.实质地,大大地
14.mission/ ˈmiʃən/n.使命,任务
15.audit/ ˈɔːdit/vt.审计,审核
16.accountable/ə ˈkauntəbl/a.有责任的;可解释的
17.consistently/kən ˈsistəntli/ad.一贯地,持续地
18.ranking/ ˈræŋkiŋ/n.等级,排名
19.counsel/ ˈkaunsəl/n.建议;(法律)顾问
20.headquarters/ ˈhedˈkwɔːtəz/n.总部
22.repayment/rːi ˈpeimənt/n.偿还
23.generous/ ˈdʒenərəs/a.慷慨的;大量的
24.flexible/ ˈfleksəbl/a.灵活的,有弹性的
25.relocation/ ˈriːləu ˈkeiʃən/n.改变位置;工作调动
26.recover/r ˈi kʌvə/vt.恢复;重新找回
27.assignment/ə ˈsainmənt/n.分派;分派的任务,作业
28.intriguing/in ˈtrːiɡ iŋ/a.引起兴趣的
29.in charge of 负责,主管
30.extremely/ik ˈstriːmli/ad.极端地,及其
31.appealing/ə ˈpiːliŋ/a.有吸引力的;恳求的
32.regardless of 尽管,不管
33.maternity/mə ˈtəːniti/n.母性,母爱;产科医院
34.discipline/ ˈdisiplin/n.学科;纪律,训练
35.premium/ ˈprimjəm/n.奖金,酬金;高价值
36.collaborative /kə ˈlæbərətiv/a.协作的,合作的
37.socialize/ ˈsəuʃəlaiz/vt.使社会化,使适应社会生活
1.unglamorous 平淡无奇的
2.telework 远程工作
3.reel 步履蹒跚,不稳地走
Orice Williams Brown在26年前被雇用,研究生刚毕业当上初级分析师,当时金融市场不景气,她告诉自己,自己先在这里工作几年,等待金融市场恢复。但是她的第一个任务吸引了她,她决定留下来。她在2005年被晋升为高管,负责金融市场和社区投资审计组。五年前,她被提升为常务总管。
“这项工作特别有吸引力”, Williams Brown说,“这是一种家庭友好型文化氛围。我看到人们得以提升,不管他们的个人生活地位如何。休完产假的人也能得到晋升。”她说,责任署让雇员与来自不同学科的专家在一起工作,强调合作技能,做出集体决策。这正是女性在其社会成长过程中善于做的一件事情。
Few institutions have been as overwhelmed by the numbers of refugees passing through Europe as Frontex, the European Union's external border agency.With a weak mandate, no equipment of its own and no power to hire its own border guards, the agency has floundered.On December 15th the European Commission came forward with a proposal, backed by Germany and France, intended to toughen Europe's border controls.The plan is long overdue—and is evidence of a growing realisation that far more needs to be done to manage the refugee crisis and preserve Schengen, the passport-free travel zone, which has come under great strain.
Under the proposal, a new European border and coast guard would be created.It would absorb Frontex, which at present cannot do much more than fingerprint and count migrants as they pass through a country.By contrast, the new border agency would have far more authority, with twice as many staff and the ability to buy its own kit.A reserve team of border guards would be at the agency's disposal, helping prevent shortages, while“liaison officers”would be posted to tricky spots in order to feed back information to the headquarters.Most strikingly, it would be given the power to intervene in a country whether the member state liked it or not.It would also be able to gain access to European databases more easily, and have a far greater involvement in sending illegal migrants back.
Many are delighted by the proposal, including Fabrice Leggeri, the current boss of Frontex. It is less politically toxic than the idea of a“mini-Schengen”, a core group of member states, which has been mooted by several Dutch politicians but is disliked by most other countries.The plan would also deal with a weakness in the current system—the reluctance of“front-line”member states, such as Greece, to ask for help—by giving the commission the power to force them to accept assistance.
But other countries are less pleased by the idea of an agency with mandatory powers.Poland's foreign minister described it as a potentially“undemocratic structure”.Greece cautiously welcomed the idea but insisted it should retain ultimate authority over its borders.Such grumblers may not have much power when it comes to voting, as the proposal requires only a qualified major ity among states to pass, rather than unanimous approval. Yet even if it passes, obstacles remain. For example, the EU passed plans in May and September to relocate 160,000 refugees over two years.Yet just under 4,000 places have been allocated and around 200 refugees moved.Without the political will to implement them, such ambitious plans are often stillborn.
1.Which of the following is true about Frontex?
[A]It is established as a refugee and border management agency.
[B]It is not endowed with much power to handle border problems.
[C]It has put forward a widely acceptable proposal for border control.
[D]It has realised that far more needs to be done about the refugee crisis.
2.It is implied in the second paragraph that ________.
[A]the proposal ignores the earnest needs of the refugees
[B]fingerprint check is useless in controlling migrants
[C]Frontex has no authority to intervene in a country
[D]many member countries are skeptical of the proposal
3.The word“mooted”in the third paragraph means ________.
[A]brought forward
[B]turned down
[C]backed up
[D]drawn up
4.The new proposal is called“undemocratic”because ________.
[A]it does not consult“front-line”countries
[B]it will impose authority over member states
[C]it will disregard the countries of minority votes
[D]it will be valid without unanimous approval
5.The relocation plan of the refugees indicates that ________.
[A]the EU has done a good job in refugee management
[B]the new proposal is unlikely to win a majority voting
[C]the refugees dislike the plan and refuse to move
[D]there is great gap between what one votes and does
1.institution/ˈinsti ˈtjuːʃən/n.机构;制度,体制
2.overwhelm/ˈəuvə ˈwelm/vt.淹没;制服,压倒,控制
3.refugee/ˈrefju ˈdʒːi/n.难民,流亡者
4.external/iks ˈtəːnl/a.外部的,外用的
5.border/ ˈbɔːdə/n.边界,国界
6.mandate/ ˈmændeit/n.命令,指令
7.proposal/prə ˈpəuzəl/n.提议,建议;求婚
8.toughen/ ˈtʌfn/vt.使坚强,使坚韧
9.overdue/ˈəuvə ˈdjuː/a.过期的;早该有的
10.preserve/pri ˈzəːv/vt.保护,保存
13.absorb/əb ˈsɔːb/vt.吸收;吸引
14.migrant/ ˈmaiɡ rənt/n.迁居者,流动者
15.authority/ɔː ˈθɔriti/n.权威(人士);权力(机构)
16.preserve/pr ˈi zəːv/a.后备的vt.保护,保存
17.disposal/dis ˈpəuzəl/n.处理,处置(权)
18.liaison/li ˈeizɑːn/n.联络,联系
19.headquarters/ ˈhedˈkwɔːtəz/n.总部;总店
20.strikingly/ ˈstraikiŋli/ad.显著地,引人注目地
21.intervene/ ˈintə ˈvːi n/vt.干涉,干预
22.database/ ˈdeitəbeis/n.数据库
23.toxic/ ˈtɔksik/a.有毒的,中毒的
25.reluctance/ri ˈlʌktəns/n.不情愿,勉强
26.mandatory/ ˈmændətəri/a.命令的,强制的
27.retain/ri ˈtein/vt.保持,保留
28.ultimate/ ˈʌltimətli/a.最后的,最终的
29.unanimous/ju ˈnæniməs/a.意见一致的,无异议的
30.approval/ə ˈpruːvəl/n.赞同,批准
31.obstacle/ ˈɔbstəkl/n.障碍(物)
32.relocate/ˈriːləu ˈkeit/vt.安置,重新安排住处
33.allocate/ ˈæləukeit/vt.拨给,分配,分派
34.implement/ ˈimplimənt/vt.实施,履行
1.flounder 挣扎,错乱地行动
2.kit 成套装备
3.moot 提出,讨论
4.grumbler 抱怨者
5.stillborn 死产的
1.The plan is long overdue...great strain.(第一段)
本句很长,但结构清晰,包括and连接的并列句,在第二个分句中,that...strain是realisation的同位语从句,对“意识到”的内容做出详细说明。在这个同位语从句中,manage和preserve并列,而the passport-free travel zone是Schengen的同位语,which引导的从句修饰zone,其中strain意为“压力,紧张”。
2.A reserve team of border guards...headquarters.(第二段)
本句由while一分为二。在前半句中,reserve指“后备军”, a.t..proposal意为“受……处理,听从……指挥”;在后半句中,post指安排岗位,tricky意为“棘手的,难对付的”, feed back指提供反馈。
3.Such grumblers may not have...approval.(第四段)
本句由as引导的原因状语从句组成。在主句中,grumbler本指“抱怨者,发牢骚者”,这里指不赞同新提案的国家,when it comes to意为“在……上,有关……”;在从句中,qualified majority指依据法律形成的有效多数。
很多人喜欢这项提案,包括Frontex的现任领导人Fabrice Leggeri。它比“微申根区”在政治上害处更小,“微申根区”由几个核心成员国构成,这一想法是几个荷兰政治家提出的,但是大多数其他国家都不喜欢。新的计划也将能解决现存体制中的一个弱点——如果像希腊这样的“前线”国家不愿意寻求帮助,这时欧洲委员会就能强迫它接受援助。
It is not every day you get told off by Nicola Sturgeon.But that is what happened last week, when the SNP leader took issue with the front cover of the latest issue of the New Statesman, which showed four female politicians standing around a crib with a ballot box inside.None of the women pictured has children, something that might have helped them achieve high office.
In the wake of Sturgeon's comments, many other tweeters indulged in some light Kremlinology about the cover's symbolism.Why were we equating“success”with high political office?Shouldn't we have used the word“childfree”rather than“childless”? Why weren't there any black women on the cover and why didn't the article include any discussion of transgender people? Why did all the women involved look so glum? And, in a question that echoes through the lonely halls of the Internet on a daily basis—what about the men?
Some of these criticisms are unanswerable.The one criticism that is worth confronting head on is the idea that motherhood is purely a personal decision and none of anyone else's business. That's true on an individual level; we shouldn't try to analyse a woman's personality through her reproductive status.But there are swaths of government policies to support families, including tax credits and parental leave.In the summer budget, George Osborne effectively set a limit on the number of children the government believes that a poor family should have—two—by restricting their benefits.At the same time, we are all relying on today's youngsters growing up to pay the taxes that will support our retirements.Unless you believe there is no such thing as society, motherhood matters.
I say“motherhood”, not parenthood, because I think that we need to draw attention to how caring responsibilities affect women more than men.In parliament, the statistics make the divide very clear.In 2013, only 28% of male MPs were childless—against 45% for women.Female MPs had an average of 1.2 children, compared with 1.9 for men, and their children tended to be older when they entered politics.This confirms a pattern seen in other jobs:women face a“motherhood penalty”as it is assumed that having children means they are less committed to their work; men get a“fatherhood bonus”as it is assumed that having a family means they are stable, committed, sensible citizens.
The achievements of individual mothers such as Harriet Harman or Margaret Thatcher cannot disguise the overall picture:juggling children and a job hurts women's pay for the rest of their lives, and makes it harder to reach the top of a profession.
1.Sturgeon is not happy with the cover because ________.
[A]the female politicians are shown to be pretentious
[B]the ballot box is too sacred a thing to be put in a crib
[C]putting a ballot box inside a crib is a political allegory
[D]the word“childless”is used to describe the politicians
2.Which of the following questions are NOT asked by Tweeters?
[A]Why should Sturgeon be so critical of the cover?
[B]What did the picture symbolize politically?
[C]Why did the women in the picture look gloomy?
[D]Why did the magazine put women on the cover?
3.The author makes the strong argument that ________.
[A]success should not be equated with high office
[B]Tweeters asked many nonsensical questions
[C]government should not restrict poor families
[D]having children is not a matter of personal choice
4.Statistics indicate that women politicians ________.
[A]are less successful than their men counterparts
[B]are more successful when they have less family duty
[C]are less committed to their children and families
[D]dislike children compared with their men counterparts
5.The author thinks that society should not be structured in a way that ________.
[A]mothers are put at a disadvantage
[B]poor families are victimized
[C]youngsters shoulder more duties
[D]men take up more responsibilities
1.tell off 责备,训斥
2.take issue with 不赞同,争论
3.statesman/ ˈsteitsmən/n.政治家
5.ballot/ ˈbælət/n.选票,投票
6.in the wake of 紧随……后;作为…余波
7.tweeter/ ˈtwiːtə/n.推特社交网用户
8.indulge/in ˈdʌldʒ/vt.纵容,迁就;使沉湎于
9.symbolism/ ˈsimbəlizəm/n.象征性,象征主义
10.glum/ɡ lʌm/a.阴郁的,闷闷不乐的
11.echo/ ˈekəu/vi.发出回声,起反响,重复
12.criticism/ ˈkritisizəm/n.批评,非难;评论
13.confront/kən ˈfrʌnt/vt.使面临,对抗
14.personality/ˈpəːsə ˈnæliti/n.性格,个性;人
15.reproductive/ˈrːi prə ˈdʌktiv/a.生殖的;再生产的
16.restrict/ris ˈtrikt/vt.限制,控制
17.retirement/ri ˈtaiəmənt/n.退休
18.parliament/ ˈpɑːləmənt/n.议会
19.statistics/stə ˈtistiks/n.统计(数字);数据
20.confirm/kən ˈfəːm/vt.证实,确认
21.penalty/ ˈpenəlti/n.处罚,惩罚
22.bonus/ ˈbəunəs/n.奖金,红利;好处
23.sensible/ ˈsensəbl/a.合理的;明智的
24.disguise/dis ˈɡ aiz/vt.伪装,隐瞒
25.overall/ ˈəuvərɔːl/a.全面的,整体的
26.profession/prə ˈfeʃən/n.职业,专业
1.Kremlinology 苏联政策研究
2.transgender 变性人
3.head on 正面地,直接地
4.swath 狭长的条或地带
5.juggle 同时做;篡改
1.And, in a question that...about men?(第二段)
本句中,lonely hall和echo都是比喻,即在Twitter上,很少有人问what about the men这样的问题——没有孩子的男人是否也容易做高官?词组on a daily basis指“每天”。
2.But there are swaths of...parental leave.(第三段)
本句中,swaths of government policies指大量的政府政策,强调这些政策覆盖面广;tax credits指税收优惠,即有了孩子之后可以从应交所得税款中扣除一部分税额;parental leave指有了孩子后可以带薪休假。
3.In the summer budget...their benefits.(第三段)
本句中提到的George Osborne是英国现任财政大臣,所以summer budget指的是政府预算,benefits指政府发放的社会福利。由于有些贫困家庭孩子过多,政府财政支持已经难以为继,故设定了政府福利能支持的每个家庭的孩子数量。
你不是每天都受到Nicola Sturgeon的责备。但是,上周就发生了,当时,这位苏格兰民族党的领袖看不惯《新政治家》最新一期的封面,上面是四位女性政治家,站在一个摇篮边,里面是一个投票箱。相片上的女人都没有孩子,这可能帮助她们取得了高的官位。
这些批评中有些是无法回复的。但有一个值得直接面对,即有人认为当母亲纯粹是个人的决定,不是任何其他人的事情。在个人水平上来说这是对的;我们不应该通过其生育状态来分析女人的个性。但是,有很多政府政策支持家庭,包括减税和育婴休假。在夏季预算中,George Osborne有效地设立了一个限制,即通过限制其能享受的福利,规定政府认为一个贫困家庭应该有几个孩子——两个。同时,我们都在靠今天正在长大的年轻人来支付税收,支撑我们的退休金。除非你认为社会这样的东西根本不存在,否则做母亲很重要。
In many ways the federal government shutdown was a huge, unplanned experiment in what happens when we give up on science for two weeks.The experiment is now over and the results are still incomplete.But so far, they are ugly.
In research labs across the country the shutdown had an immediate impact.As soon as it began, the National Institutes of Health suspended new clinical trials.Each week, the agency said, it had to turn away 200 patients, including 30 children, most of whom have cancer.For these patients, the NIH's experimental treatments are often their last hope.Instead, patients were denied care.The rest of society was deprived of what doctors could have learned about new treatments.Thankfully, the NIH was able to continue the trials already in progress.
The shutdown also put public health in danger.Safety inspections were suspended across agencies.The Consumer Product Safety Commission prevents dangerous products like lead-laden toys and flammable sleepwear from making it into stores.For two weeks many of those products weren't screened.Similarly, the U. S.Food and Drug Administration suspended routine food inspections, including ones for imported seafood like fresh fish and shrimp, which can easily spoil.
For long-term research in many fields, the impact could be severe and lasting.Losing two weeks of data collection during a critical research period or two weeks of a key experiment that took months or years to set up will have repercussions for years.Tom Greene, an astrophysicist at NASA Ames Research Center, told us that key tests for the James Webb Space Telescope science instruments had to be suspended due to the shutdown.The telescope, which will replace the aging Hubble, is one of NASA's top three priorities.The shutdown is hurting scientists close to home, too.A U. S.Environmental Protection Agency scientist told us she had to cancel an emergency site visit to a contaminated water system in New Mexico.Similarly, a federal wildlife biologist told us that his office had to suspend capturing endangered gray wolves to check on their population numbers.Because this is the prime season for tracking down the wolves, his study could be delayed a full year.
Federally funded science allows us to do things as a country that we could never do alone.But the threat of shutdown, combined with inconsistent funding from Congress, leaves America's scientific enterprise in the lurch.Scientists aren't members of just another interest group—they're public servants in whom the country has invested considerable time and resources.When policy makers sideline science, they're also sidelining our safety, health and ability to understand the world around us.Looking at the results of the shutdown, they should realize that this is an experiment not worth repeating.
1.By saying“the results are still incomplete”, the author means ________.
[A]there will be more government shutdowns in the future
[B]the consequences of the shutdown are not fully realized
[C]the government hasn't announced the results of the shutdown
[D]the results of a scientific experiment shouldn't be taken as definite
2.The safety of Americans was threatened by the shutdown because ________.
[A]NIH refused to take in cancer patients
[B]doctors stopped doing experiments on patients
[C]many goods were sold without being checked
[D]the sale of seafood was delayed and it spoiled
3.Missed opportunities and gaps in data ________.
[A]are most serious in the space enterprise
[B]have caused damage to the environment
[C]can only be made up with more money
[D]will have consequences for years to come
4.Missing the data on gray wolves in this season means ________.
[A]their population will shrink drastically
[B]you can't capture these wolves this year
[C]you waste a full year of hard work
[D]the study on them is seriously hurt
5.The word“sideline”(in the last paragraph)most probably means ________.
1.immediate/i ˈmiːdiət/a.直接的,紧接的;立即的
2.institute/ ˈinstitjuːt/n.学会,学院;研究所
3.suspend/səs ˈpend/vt.悬挂;吊销,暂停
4.turn away 打发走,躲开
5.deprive/di ˈpraiv/vt.剥夺,使丧失
6.inspection/in ˈspekʃən/n.检查,视察
7.make it into 进入
9.administration/ədˈmini ˈstreiʃən/n.管理部门(或机构);实施
11.severe/si ˈviə/a.严重的;激烈的
12.critical/ ˈkritikəl/a.危急的;关键的;批评的
13.telescope/ ˈteliskəup/n.望远镜
14.instrument/ ˈinstrumənt/n.工具,方法
15.priority/pra ˈiɔriti/n.优先(权);优先安排的事情
16.cancel/ ˈkænsəl/vt.取消,删去
17.emergency/i ˈməːdʒnsi/n.紧急情况,紧急状态
18.contaminate/kən ˈtæmineit/vt.弄脏,污染
19.wildlife/ ˈwaildlaif/n.野生动植物
20.capture/ ˈkæptʃə/vt.俘获,捕获,夺取
22.track down 跟踪,查获
23.delay/di ˈlei/vt.推迟,延误
24.inconsistent/ˈinkən ˈsistənt/a.不一致的,不协调的
25.enterprise/ ˈentəpraiz/n.企业;事业
26.considerable /kən ˈsidərəbl/a.相当大(或多)的
1.flammable 可燃的,易燃的
2.shrimp 虾
3.repercussion 反响;反击
4.astrophysicist 天体物理学家
5.lurch 倾倒;惨败
6.sideline 避开,不积极参与
1.The rest of society...new treatments.(第二段)
本句中,The rest of society指癌症病人以外的其他人,what doctors could have learned about new treatments是虚拟语气,作者的意思是:如果这些试验性的治疗方式得以进行,医生就有可能确认它们到底是不是有效的治疗方法。
2.The shutdown is hurting scientists close to home, too.(第四段)
本句中,close to home并不是指家住得近,而是针对上一段对太空的研究而言。所以scientists close to home实际上指研究地球(环境)的科学家。
What is privacy? We talk about this now because of Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency revelations, and new fears that we are operating, all of us, within what has become or is becoming a massive surveillance state.Among the pertinent definitions of privacy from the Oxford English Dictionary:freedom from disturbance or intrusion, intended only for the use of a particular person or persons, belonging to“the property of a particular person.”
Privacy is connected to personhood.It has to do with intimate things—the innards of your head and heart, the workings of your mind—and the boundary between those things and the world outside.A loss of the expectation of privacy in communications is a loss of something personal and intimate, and it will have broader implications.That is the view of Nat Hentoff, the great journalist.“The media has awakened, ”he told me.“Congress has awakened, to some extent.”Both are beginning to realize that there are particular constitutional liberty rights that Americans have that distinguish them from all other people, and one of them is privacy.Mr.Hentoff sees excessive government surveillance as violative of the Fourth Amendment, which protects the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.
But Mr.Hentoff sees the surveillance state as a threat to free speech, too.About a year ago he went up to Harvard to speak to a class.He asked:“How many of you realize the connection between what's happening with the Fourth Amendment with the First Amendment? ”He told the students that if citizens don't have basic privacies they will be left feeling threatened.Americans will become careful about what they say that can be misunderstood or misinterpreted, and then too careful about what they say that can be understood.The inevitable end of surveillance is self-censorship.
What of those who say, “I have nothing to fear, I don't do anything wrong”? Mr.Hentoff suggests that's a false sense of security.When you have this amount of privacy invasion put into these huge data banks, who knows what will come out? People say, “Well I've done nothing wrong so why should I worry? ”But that's too easy a way to get out of what is in our history—constant attempts to try to change who we are as Americans.Asked about those attempts, he mentions the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, the Red Scare of the 1920s and the McCarthy era. Those times and incidents were more than specific scandals or news stories, they were attempts to change our nature as a people.
Advances in technology constantly up the ability of what government can do.Its technological expertise will only become deeper and broader.The technology is such that with the masses of databases, then privacy will get even weaker.
1.The question of what privacy is arouses new interest because ________.
[A]we fear that our life is under government surveillance
[B]technology has invaded into every aspect of our life
[C]Edward Snowden threatens our national security
[D]privacy is given a new interpretation in modern era
2.Nat Hentoff tries to explain ________.
[A]how Americans should give privacy a new sense
[B]what Americans lose if they give up privacy
[C]what Americans expect of the idea of privacy
[D]how privacy is connected to constitutional rights
3.“Self-censorship”is the case in which a person ________.
[A]is easily misunderstood or misinterpreted
[B]does not know his basic right to privacy
[C]stops saying things offensive to government
[D]is fearless because he has done nothing wrong
4.Mr.Hentoff regards Americans' indifference to the threat to privacy as ________.
[A]the best demonstration of self-censorship
[B]lack of a sense of security in modern America
[C]ignorance that huge data banks can be invaded
[D]an attempt to change the American national character
5.The author gives some historical examples to show ________.
[A]such things should be regarded as un-American
[B]no one is secure until all Americans feel safe
[C]technology has changed the American character
[D]large masses of database are only modern inventions
1.revelation/ˈrevi ˈleiʃən/n.揭露,被揭示的真相;显示,启示
2.massive/ ˈmæsiv/a.大的,大规模的;大量的
3.surveillance/səː ˈveiləns/n.监视
4.pertinent/ ˈpəːtinənt/a.相关的,有关的
5.disturbance/dis ˈtəːbəns/n.动乱;打扰,干扰
6.intrusion/in ˈtruːʒən/n.侵扰;闯入
7.personhood/ ˈpəːsnhud/n.人格,人身
8.intimate/ ˈintimeit/a.亲密的,密切的
9.working/ ˈwəːkiŋ/n.作用,运作;操作
10.boundary/ ˈbaundəri/n.边界,界限
11.implication/ˈimpli ˈkeiʃən/n.含义,意义
12.journalist/ ˈdʒəːnəlist/n.记者
13.constitutional/ˈkɔnsti ˈtjuːʃənəl/a.宪法的
14.liberty/ ˈlibəti/n.自由
15.excessive/ik ˈsesiv/a.过多的,额外的
16.amendment/ə ˈmendmənt/n.改正;修正(案)
17.secure/si ˈkjuə/a.安全的
18.seizure/ ˈsːiʒə/n.抓获;抢掠,占领
19.inevitable/in ˈevitəbl/a.不可避免的
20.censorship/ ˈsensəʃip/n.审查,检查
21.invasion/in ˈveiʒən/n.侵犯,侵入
23.incident/ ˈinsidənt/n.事件
24.scandal/ ˈskændl/n.丑闻
25.expertise/ˈekspə ˈtiːz/n.专业技能,专业知识
26.database/ ˈdeitəbeis/n.数据库
1.innards 内脏,内部结构
2.violative 违犯的
3.sedition 煽动
1.Among the pertinent definitions...particular person.(第一段)
2.Mr.Hentoff sees excessive...seizures.(第二段)
本句中,(be)violative of意为“违背,违犯”, secure in their persons指“人身安全”, effects指movable belongings, goods(动产,财物), seizure指“夺取,占用”。