With the rapid development and cross-border integration of the new generation of ICT, the digital economy, the fastest-growing, most innovative and extensive economic activity, has become an increasingly important driving force for global economic growth.Countries are fully aware that the digital technology is reshaping today’s economy and society.Only by grasping the historic opportunities brought by the new round of technological revolution and catching the high-speed rail of the digital economy, the economic society can be rejuvenated.This book comprehensive study based on comprehensively tracking the development of digital economy in various countries and regions, which focuses on the strategic policies, specific measures,and hot issues in the field of digital economy in 2019, analyzes the new features and highlights of the digital economy, and conducts a special study on the hot areas, which is highly comprehensive, systematic and forward-looking.
This report is divided into four parts, a total of 17 articles.The overall structure is as follows.The first part is the general report, including two articles on the situation of the digital economy in 2019 and the outlook for 2020, and the analysis of the international cooperation and rule-making situation of the digital economy in 2019.The second part is describing the branches of the digital economy, including four articles on digital infrastructure, digital industry, the digital transformation of industry, and digital government.The third part is about the country and region’s current situation in developing the digital economy, which compromises of China, the United States, EU, Japan, and ASEAN.The fourth part is on special topics with six articles on the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the digital economy, the developing trend of Internet enterprises, digital village, basic public service informatization, OECD digital economy measurement, data governance rules, etc.This report is a comprehensive annual report on the global digital economy, Some data sources in this book are internal, which can be used for reference by officials in charge, experts, scholars and researchers in the field of the digital economy.
Keywords:Digital Economy; International Co-operation; Digital Industry; Industry Digitalization Transformation; Digital Government