According to the requirements of the Document J B H[2005]124 issued by the former Ministry of Construction(MOC)-Notice on Issuance of the Plan for Development and Revision of National Engineering Construction Standards(Second Batch)in 2005,this code is jointly developed by MCC Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited and relevant entities.
This code is developed through extensive investigations,study,and special technical discussions,on the basis of gathering years of experience in design of plate and strip rolling process and consultation to production,scientific research,and design entities and academies,and is finalized after it is reviewed by relevant authorities.
This code consists of 6 chapters,mainly covering:General Provisions,Terms,Basic Requirements,Plate Mill,Hot-Rolled Wide Steel Strip Mill,and Cold-Rolled Wide Steel Strip Mill,etc.
The provisions printed in bold type in this code are compulsory ones and must be enforced strictly.
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is in charge of the administration of this code and the explanation of the compulsory provisions,China Metallurgical Construction Association is responsible for the routine management of this code,and MCC Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents.All relevant organizations are kindly requested to sum up and accumulate your experiences in actual practices during the process of implementing this code.The relevant opinions and advice,whenever necessary,can be posted or passed on to the Administration Group of Design Code for Rolling Process of Plate and Strip Mill under MCC Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited(Address:Jian'an Street 7,Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone,Beijing,100176)for reference during any revision of this code in the future.
Chief Development Organization,Participating Development Organizations,Chief Drafting Staff and Chief Reviewers of this code are:
Chief Development Organization:
MCC Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited
Participating Development Organizations:
MCC CISDI Engineering Co,Ltd.
MCC WISDRI engineering and Research Incorporation Limited
MCC Huatian Engineering & Technology Corporation,Inc.
Shanghai Baosteel Engineering & Technology Co.,Ltd.
Ansteel Design & Research Institute
Design and Research Institute of Valin LY Steel Group
Shanghai Baosteel(Group)Corporation
Wuhan Iron and Steel(Group)Corp.
Handan Iron and Steel(Group)Co.,Ltd.
Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation
Chief Drafting Staff:
Yan Shengxiang Chen Shijie Chu Ruilin Zhao Wenbo Zang Yue
Ren Yanjun Yu Hai Hang Bo Liao Yanlin Qiu Jian
Zhang Jingwang Yan Jiangsheng Wang Dongfang Yang Qingfeng
Liu Gangyi Wang Qingbo Jia Shenhui
Chief Reviewers:
Cai Changsheng Wang Bingli Cao Tianyong Wang Chenggui Sun Daqing
Zhang Jili Liu Yong Wang Jiang Zhang Jun