2.3 手术操作名词
Caldwell Luc入路(柯-陆氏入路,尖牙窝入路) Caldwell Luc approach
Draf Ⅰ型手术 Draf Ⅰ surgery
Draf Ⅱa型手术 Draf Ⅱa surgery
Draf Ⅱb型手术 Draf Ⅱb surgery
Draf Ⅲ型手术 Draf Ⅲ surgery
Le Fort 1截骨术 Le Fort 1 osteotomy
Messerklinger技术 Messerklinger technique
Piston修正术 revision of Piston prosthesis implantation
Piston植入术 Piston prosthesis implantation
Wigand技术 Wigand technique
半规管阻塞术 semicircular canal occlusion
半喉切除术 hemilaryngectomy
伴乳突开放术的鼓室成形术 tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy
鼻部分切除术 partial nasal resection
鼻侧切开术 lateral rhinotomy
鼻重建术 nasal reconstruction
鼻重建修正术 nasal reconstruction revision
鼻唇沟成形术 rhinochiloplasty
鼻-唇瘘管切除术 nose-lip fistulectomy
鼻唇皮瓣鼻成形术 nasolabial flap rhinoplasty
鼻电凝止血 electric coagulation for nasal hemostasis
鼻窦切开异物取出术 sinuotomy foreign body extraction
鼻窦微创手术 minimally invasive sinus technique
鼻窦造口术 sinus fistula surgery
鼻骨骨折闭合复位术 closed reduction surgery of nasal bone fracture
鼻骨骨折切开复位术 open reduction surgery of nasal bone fracture
鼻甲部分切除术 partial turbinectomy surgery
鼻甲成形术 turbinoplasty surgery
鼻甲激光消融术 turbinate laser ablation surgery
鼻甲冷冻切除术 turbinate frozen resection surgery
鼻甲射频消融术 turbinate radiofrequency ablation surgery
鼻甲微波烧灼术 turbinate microwave cauterization surgery
鼻甲消融术 turbinate ablation surgery
鼻尖成形术 nasal tip plasty
鼻泪管激光探通插管术 laser probing of nasolacrimal duct intubation
鼻冷冻止血术 nasal freezing and hemostasis surgery
鼻内病损激光烧灼术 intranasal laser ablation lesion surgery
鼻内病损切除术 resection of nasal lesion
鼻内镜泪囊鼻腔造口术 nasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy
鼻内镜下上颌窦根治术 nasal endoscopic maxillary sinus radical operation
鼻内镜下上颌窦开放术 nasal endoscopic maxillary sinostomy
鼻内镜下腺样体消融术 nasal endoscopic adenoid ablation
鼻黏膜切除止血术 nasal mucosal resection hemostasia
鼻皮肤病损切除术 resection of nasal skin lesion
鼻前庭病损切除术 resection of nasal vestibular lesion
鼻前庭囊肿切除术 nasal vestibular cyst excision
鼻腔扩张术 dilatation of nasal cavity
鼻腔缩窄术 constriction surgery of nasal cavity
鼻腔异物取出术 extraction of nasal foreign body
鼻腔粘连松解术 nasal adhesiolysis
鼻切开探查术 nasal incision surgical exploration
鼻切开异物取出术 nose incision and foreign body removal
鼻切开引流术 incision and drainage of nose
鼻清创术 debridement of nose
鼻软骨切开术 incision of nasal cartilage
鼻死骨切除术 excision of inactivity nasal bone
鼻外入路额窦开放术 external nasal approach frontal sinusotomy
鼻小柱成形术 nasal columella plasty
鼻咽闭锁矫正术 correction of nasopharyngeal atresia
鼻咽病损切除术 nasopharyngeal lesion excision
鼻咽扩张术 nasopharynx dilation
鼻咽瘘管切除术 nasopharyngeal fistula resection
鼻翼成形术 nasal alar plasty
鼻正中瘘切除术 nasal central fistula resection
鼻植皮术 nasal skin grafting
鼻植入物取出术 nasal implant removal
鼻中隔病损激光烧灼术 nasal septum lesion laser ablation
鼻中隔成形术 rhinoseptoplasty
鼻中隔穿孔修补术 repair of septal perforation
鼻中隔入路 nasal septum approach
鼻中隔软骨移植术 nasal septal cartilage transplantation
扁桃残体切除术 excision of tonsil stump
扁桃体伴腺样体切除术 adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy
扁桃体病损切除术 excision of tonsil lesion
扁桃体病损射频消融术 tonsillectomy by radiofrequency
扁桃体剥离法 tonsillectomy by dissection
扁桃体激光切除术 tonsillectomy by laser
扁桃体挤切法 tonsillectomy by guillotine
扁桃体脓肿引流术 drainage of abscess of tonsil
扁桃体切除术 tonsillectomy
扁桃体术后出血 bleeding after tonsillectomy
扁桃体周围脓肿引流术 drainage of peritonsillar abscess
不伴乳突开放术的鼓室成形术 tympanoplasty without mastoidectomy
部分人工听骨植入术 partial ossicular replacement prostheses implant
部分咽切除术 partial pharyngectomy
残余喉切除术 remnant laryngectomy
残余甲状腺切除术 residual thyroid resection
侧颅底肿瘤切除术 lateral skull base tumor resection
查尔斯手术 Charles surgery [又称]淋巴水肿矫正术 △
垂直喉切除术 vertical laryngectomy
带蒂皮瓣断蒂术 pedicle division of pedicle skin flap
带蒂皮瓣徙前术 pedicle skin flap advancement
带蒂皮瓣修复术 pedicle skin flap repairing
带蒂皮瓣移植术 pedicle skin flap grafting
单侧甲状腺部分切除术 unilateral thyroid partial excision
单侧甲状腺次全切除术 unilateral thyroid subtotal excision
单侧甲状腺切除术 unilateral thyroid excision
单纯淋巴结切除术 simple lymphadenectomy
单纯乳突开放术 simple mastoidectomy
镫骨底板开窗术 fenestration of stapes footplate
镫骨撼动术 stapediolysis
镫骨切除术 stapedectomy
蝶窦开放术 sphenoidostomy
蝶腭神经节切除术 sphenopalatine ganglionectomy
断耳再植术 replantation of amputated ear surgery
额部皮瓣鼻重建术 forehead flap nasal reconstruction
额窦病损切除术 excision of lesion of frontal sinus
额颞-眶颧入路 frontotemporal-orbitozygomatic approach
腭咽弓延长成形术 lengthening of palatopharyngeal arch
腭咽手术 palate pharyngeal surgery
耳郭成形术 pinnaplasty
耳蜗球囊切开术 cochleosacculotomy
二期耳郭成形术 second-stage pinnaplasty
发音重建术 reconstruction of pronunciation
副神经-舌下神经吻合术 accessory-hypoglossal anastomosis
改良乳突根治术 modified radical mastoidectomy
根治性颈清扫术 radical neck dissection
根治性舌切除术 radical glossectomy
根治性手术 radical surgery
功能性鼻内镜鼻窦手术 functional endoscopic sinus surgery,FESS
钩突切除术 uncinectomy
骨锚式助听器植入术 bone anchored hearing aid implantation
骨桥植入术 bone bridge implantation
鼓膜成形术 myringoplasty
鼓膜穿刺术 tympanocentesis
鼓膜切开术 myringotomy
鼓膜切开置管术 myringotomy with grommet insertion
鼓膜造孔术 tympanostomy
鼓膜置管取出术 tympanostomy tube remove
鼓室成形术 tympanoplasty
鼓室入路颈静脉球体瘤切除术 glomus jugular tumour resection via tympanum approach
鼓室探查术 exploratory tympanotom
管状皮瓣移植术 tubular skin flap transplantation
海绵窦脑膜瘤切除术 removal of cavernous sinus meningioma
海绵窦入路 cavernous sinus approach
颌下淋巴结清扫术 submaxillary lymph node dissection
喉病损切除术 excision of lesion of larynx
喉部分切除术 partial laryngectomy
喉插管术 laryngeal catheterization
喉成形术 laryngoplasty
喉垂直部分切除术 vertical partial laryngectomy
喉次全切除术 subtotal laryngectomy
喉单纯扩张术 simple dilatation of larynx
喉额侧部分切除术 forehead side laryngectomy
喉返神经解剖术 recurrent laryngeal nerve dissection
喉返神经切断术 recurrent laryngeal nerve amputation
喉返神经探查术 recurrent laryngeal nerve exploration
喉环状软骨上部分切除术 supracricoid partial laryngectomy
喉甲状软骨修补术 repair of thyroid cartilage of larynx
喉近全切除术 subtotal laryngectomy
喉扩大垂直部分切除术 extended vertical partial laryngectomy
喉扩大声门上水平切除术 extended supraglottic-horizontal laryngectomy
喉裂开声带切除术 cordectomy via laryngofissure
喉裂开术 laryngofissure
喉瘘闭合术 closure of fistula of larynx
喉囊肿造袋术 laryngeal cyst marsupialization
喉内异物取出术 removal of foreign body in larynx
喉气管成形术 laryngotracheoplasty
喉-气管瘘管切除术 laryngotracheal fistula resection
喉切除术 laryngectomy
喉切开术 laryngotomy
喉切开探查术 incision and exploration of larynx
喉全切除伴根治性淋巴结清扫术 total removal of larynx with radical lymph node dissection
喉全切除术 total laryngectomy
喉软骨骨折修补术 repair of laryngeal cartilage fracture
喉软骨固定术 fixation of laryngeal cartilage
喉软骨切除术 excision of laryngeal cartilage
喉声门上水平部分切除术 supraglottic-horizontal partial laryngectomy
喉水平垂直部分切除术 horizontal vertical partial laryngectomy
喉咽切除术 laryngopharyngectomy
喉支架取出术 removal of laryngeal stent
喉支架调整术 laryngeal stent adjustment
喉支架置换术 laryngeal stent replacement
喉支架置入术 laryngeal stent implantation
后鼻孔填塞止血 posterior nasal packing hemostasis
后鼓室切开术 posterior tympanotomy
环甲膜切开术 cricothyroid laryngotomy
环咽肌切开术 cricopharyngeal myotomy
环咽憩室切除术 cricopharyngeal diverticulectomy
环状软骨骨折 fracture of cricoid cartilage
环状软骨上喉部分切除术 partial excision of larynx upon cricoid cartilage
环状软骨舌骨固定术 cricoid cartilage hyoid bone fixation
环状软骨舌骨会厌固定术 cricoid cartilage hyoepiglottic fixation
会厌病损切除术 excision of lesion of epiglottis
会厌切除术 epiglottidectomy
计算机辅助内镜鼻窦手术 computer-aided endoscopic sinus surgery
甲状旁腺病损切除术 excision of lesion of parathyroid
甲状旁腺部分切除术 partial parathyroidectomy
甲状旁腺全部切除术 complete parathyroidectomy
甲状旁腺探查术 parathyroid gland exploration
甲状旁腺自体移植术 parathyroid gland autoplasty
甲状软骨成形术 thyroplasty
甲状舌管瘘切除术 thyroglossal fistula excision
甲状舌管切除术 excision of thyroglossal duct or tract
甲状腺病灶切除术 thyroid lesion excision
甲状腺动脉结扎术 thyroid artery ligation
甲状腺改良根治术 thyroid modified radical operation
甲状腺根治术 radical operation of thyroid
甲状腺结节切除术 thyroid nodule excision
甲状腺切开探查术 thyroid incision exploratory surgery
甲状腺切开引流术 thyroid incision and drainage
甲状腺全切术 total thyroidectomy
甲状腺术后探查止血术 exploratory hemostasis after thyroid surgery
甲状腺峡部横断术 transection of isthmus of thyroid gland
甲状腺峡部切除术 excision of isthmus of thyroid gland
甲状腺腺叶次全切除术 subtotal lobectomy of thyroid gland
甲状腺腺叶切除伴甲状腺峡部切除术 thyroid lobectomy with resection of thyroid isthmus
甲状腺腺叶切除术 thyroid lobectomy
甲状腺自体移植术 autologous transplantation of thyroid gland
筋膜皮瓣移植术 fasciocutaneous flap transplantation
紧急气管切开术 emergency tracheotomy
经鼻眶减压术 transnasal orbital decompression
经鼻内镜下改良Lothrop术 transnasal endoscopic modified Lothrop procedure
经鼻入路垂体瘤切除术 transnasal pituitary tumor resection
经蝶窦入路 transsphenoidal approach
经耳囊入路 trans-otic capsule approach
经肌肉声带切除术 transmuscular cordectomy
经口腔入路 transoral approach
经迷路入路 translabyrinthine approach
经面入路 transfacial approach
经面入路面中部揭翻术 midface-inversion surgery via facial approach
经颞下窝入路颈静脉球体瘤切除术 glomus jugular tumor resection via infratemporal fossa approach
经筛窦及扩大经筛窦 transethmoidal and extended transethmoidal
经中鼻道上颌窦开放术 trans-middle nasal meatal maxillary sinostomy
颈部皮肤部分切除术 partial resection of skin of neck
颈部食管造口术 cervical esophagostomy
颈部探查术 neck exploratory surgery
颈部异物取出术 neck foreign body removal
颈部纵隔镜术 cervical mediastinoscopy
颈动脉部分切除伴吻合术 partial resection of carotid artery with anastomosis
颈改良性清扫术 modified neck dissection
颈功能型清扫术 functional form neck dissection
颈交感神经切断术 neck sympathetic nerve amputation
颈静脉结扎术 jugular vein ligation
颈静脉孔病损切除术 excision lesion of jugular foramen
颈静脉瘤切除术 jugular vein tumour excision
颈淋巴结根治性清扫术 lymphonodi cervicales radical dissection
颈内动脉成形术 internal carotid arterioplasty
颈内动脉结扎术 internal carotid ligation
颈内动脉瘤破裂止血术 hemostasis of internal carotid aneurysm rupture bleeding
颈内静脉结扎术 jugular vein ligation
颈前静脉结扎术 cervical anterior jugular vein ligation
颈区域性清扫术 selective neck dissection
颈深部淋巴结切除术 deep neck lymph node excision
颈神经病损切除术 neck neurological damage excision
颈外动脉结扎术 external carotid artery ligation
颈外动脉结扎止血术 external carotid artery ligation and hemostasis
颈总动脉部分切除伴颈总-颈内动脉人工血管搭桥术 partial resection of carotid artery with carotid-internal carotid artery artificial blood vessel bypass surgery
颈总动脉结扎术 common carotid artery ligation
开放式乳突改良根治术 open modified radical mastoidectomy
空蝶鞍填塞术 empty sella packing
眶切开术伴眶植入物植入术 orbitotomy with orbital implantation
眶外侧壁切开术 lateral orbitotomy
扩大额下入路 extended subfrontal approach
扩大后鼓室切开术 extended posterior tympanotomy
扩大经蝶窦入路 extended transsphenoidal approach
扩大迷路后入路 extended retrolabyrinthine approach
扩大乳突根治术 extendedradical mastoidectomy
肋软骨耳郭成形术 costal cartilage auricle plasty
泪囊鼻腔吻合术 dacryorhinocystostomy
淋巴干-小静脉吻合术 lymph trunk-venule anastomosis
淋巴管-静脉吻合术 lymphatic-vein anastomosis
淋巴管瘤注射术 lymphangioma injection
淋巴管瘘结扎术 lymphatic fistula ligation
淋巴管瘘切除术 lymphatic fistula excision
淋巴管瘘粘连术 lymphatic fistula adhesion
颅底重建 skull base reconstruction
颅骨切开术 craniotomy
颅颌面联合切除手术 combined craniomaxillofacial resection
颅眶颧入路 cranio-orbito-zygomatic approach
颅中窝入路 middle cranial fossa approach
颅中窝入路前庭神经支切断术 vestibular nerve transection via middle cranial fossa approach
迷路后入路 retrolabyrinthine approach
迷路后入路前庭神经支切断术 vestibular nerve transection via retrolabyrinthine approach
面部移位入路 facial translocation approach
面-舌下神经吻合术 facial-hypoglossal nerve anastomosis
面神经病损切除术 facial nerve lesion excision
面神经-副神经吻合术 facial nerve-accessory nerve anastomosis
面神经减压术 facial nerve decompression
面神经切断术 facial nerve amputation
面神经手术 facial nerve surgical
面神经探查术 facial nerve exploratory surgery
面神经吻合术 facial nerve anastomosis
面神经移位术 rerouting of facial nerve
面神经移植术 transplantaion of facial nerve
脑脊液鼻漏修补术 repair of cerebrospinal fluid nasal fistula
脑脊液耳漏修补术 repair of cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea
内镜经鼻入路 endoscopic approach,endonasal
内镜视神经管减压术 endoscopic decompression of optic nerve canal
内镜手术 endoscopic surgery
内镜下鼻窦活组织检查 endoscopic sinus biopsy
内镜下鼻甲部分切除术 endoscopic partial resection of turbinate
内镜下鼻甲成形术 endoscopic turbinoplasty,endoscopic plasty of turbinate
内镜下鼻甲切除术 endoscopic resection of turbinate
内镜下鼻泪管吻合术 endoscopic anastomosis of nasolacrimal duct
内镜下鼻内病损切除术 endoscopic resection of nasal lesions
内镜下鼻腔鼻窦内翻性乳头状瘤切除术 endoscopic surgery of nasal and paranasal sinus inverted papilloma
内镜下鼻腔粘连松解术 endoscopic nasal adhesiolysis
内镜下鼻微波烧灼止血术 endoscopic microwave nasal burning hemostasis
内镜下鼻息肉切除术 endoscopic nasal polypectomy
内镜下鼻咽血管纤维瘤切除术 endoscopic resection of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
内镜下鼻中隔鼻成形术 endoscopic septorhinoplasty surgery,endoscopic plasty of nasal septum
内镜下鼻中隔黏膜划痕术 endoscopic mucosal scratch surgery of nasal septum
内镜下鼻中隔黏膜下部分切除术 endoscopic submucosal partial resection of nasal septum
内镜下鼻中隔黏膜下切除术 endoscopic submucosal resction surgery of nasal septum
内镜下扁桃体切除术 endoscopic tonsillectomy
内镜下残余腺样体切除术 endoscopic excision of residual adenoid
内镜下单侧甲状腺切除术 endoscopic unilateral thyroidectomy
内镜下电凝止血术 endoscopic electric coagulation hemostasis surgery
内镜下蝶窦病损切除术 endoscopic sphenoid sinus lesion resection surgery
内镜下蝶窦开窗术 endoscopic sphenoid sinus fenestration surgery
内镜下多个鼻窦开窗术 endoscopic multiple sinuses fenestration surgery
内镜下额窦病损切除术 endoscopic frontal sinus lesion resection surgery
内镜下额窦开放术 endoscopic frontal sinus fenestration surgery
内镜下钩突切除术 endoscopic uncinate resection surgery
内镜下甲状旁腺病损切除术 endoscopic excision of lesion of parathyroid gland
内镜下甲状腺病损切除术 endoscopic excision of lesion of thyroid gland
内镜下甲状腺部分切除术 endoscopic partial thyroidectomy
内镜下甲状腺次全切除术 endoscopic subtotal thyroidectomy
内镜下经鼻额窦开放术 transnasal endoscopic frontal sinusotomy
内镜下经蝶窦翼管神经切断术 endoscopic transsphenoidal vidian neurectomy
内镜下眶减压术 endoscopic decompression of orbit
内镜下泪囊鼻腔吻合术 endoscopic transnasal dacryocystorhinostomy
内镜下泪前隐窝入路上颌窦病损切除术 endoscopic maxillary sinus lesion resection via anterior lacrimal crypt approach
内镜下泪前隐窝入路上颌窦开放术 endoscopic maxillary sinusotomy via anterior lacrimal crypt approach
内镜下气管支气管异物取出术 endoscopic removal of foreign body in trachea and bronchus
内镜下全组鼻窦开窗术 endoscopic pansinuses fenestration surgery
内镜下筛窦病损切除术 endoscopic ethmoidal sinus lesion resection surgery
内镜下筛窦开放术 endoscopic ethmoidostomy
内镜下上颌窦病损切除术 endoscopic maxillary sinus lesion resection surgery
内镜下上颌窦根治术 endoscopic radical maxillary sinusectomy
内镜下上颌窦开放术 endoscopic maxillary sinusotomy
内镜下上颌骨部分切除术 endoscopic partial resection of maxilla
内镜下上颌骨骨折闭合复位术 endoscopic closed reduction of maxillary bone fracture
内镜下声带切除术 endoscopic cordectomy
内镜下视神经管减压术 endoscopic decompression surgery of optic canal
内镜下腺样体切除术 endoscopic adenoidectomy
内镜下腺样体消融术 endoscopic adenoid ablation
内镜下支气管异物取出术 endoscopic bronchial foreign body removal
内淋巴囊分流术 endolymphatic sac drainage
内淋巴囊减压术 endolymphatic sac decompression
颞骨部分/次全/全切除术 excision of temporal bone parts/subtotal/total
颞骨全切除术 total temporal bone resection
颞骨岩部次全切除术 subtotal petrous bone resection
颞肌瓣填塞术 temporal muscle flap packing
颞筋膜移植术 temporal fascia transplantion
颞下入路 subtemporal approach
颞下窝入路 infratemporal fossa approach
颞下窝入路颈静脉球体瘤切除术 excision of glomus jugular tumor via infratemporal fossa approach
皮瓣清创术 flap debridement
皮肤病损切除术 skin lesion resection
皮肤缝合术 skin suture
皮肤和皮下坏死组织切除清创术 skin and subcutaneous necrotic tissue excision and debridement
皮肤和皮下组织切开引流术 skin and subcutaneous tissue incision and drainage
皮肤和皮下组织异物切开取出术 skin and subcutaneous tissue incision and foreign body removal
皮肤及皮下组织清创术 skin and subcutaneous tissue debridement
皮肤扩张器调整术 skin expander adjustment
皮肤扩张器置入术 skin expander catheterization
皮下带蒂皮瓣移植术 subcutaneous pedicle skin flap transplantation
气管病损激光烧灼术 laser cauterization of lesion of tracheal surgery
气管病损切除术 excision of lesion of trachea
气管部分切除术 partial excision of trachea
气管插管 trachea cannula
气管成形伴人工喉重建术 tracheoplasty and artificial larynx reconstruction
气管成形术 tracheoplasty
气管重建术 trachea reconstruction
气管喉切开术 tracheolaryngotomy
气管镜下气管病损切除术 excision of lesion of trachea under bronchoscope
气管裂开术 tracheofissure
气管裂伤修复术 tracheoschisis repair
气管瘘修补术 tracheal fistula repair
气管切开术 tracheotomy
气管切开套管拔除术 extraction of tracheostomy cannula
气管切开异物取出术 tracheotomy removal of foreign body
气管人工假体置入术 tracheal prosthesis implantation
气管-舌骨固定术 trachea-hyoid bone fixation
气管-舌骨-会厌固定术 trachea-hyoid-epiglottis fixation
气管-食管瘘闭合术 closure of trachea and esophagus fistula
气管-食管造口术 trachea-esophagus ostomy
气管狭窄松解术 tracheal stenosis release
气管悬吊术 trachea suspension
气管造口封闭术 tracheostoma closure
气管支架置入术 tracheal stent placement
气管支气管异物取出术 tracheal bronchus foreign body removal
前鼻孔成形术 anterior nasal plasty
前鼻孔填塞止血 anterior nasal packing hemostasis
前额面喉切除术 anterior frontal laryngectomy
前连合喉切除术 anterior commissure laryngectomy
前庭神经切断术 vestibular neurotomy
球囊造瘘术 sacculotomy
全部人工听骨植入术 total ossicular replacement prosthesis implantation
全厚皮片移植术 full thickness skin graft
全食管切除术 total esophagectomy
全组蝶窦筛窦开放术及相关步骤 total sphenoethmoidectomy and related procedures
颧颞入路 temporozygomatic approach
人工耳蜗植入术 cochlear implantation
人工耳蜗装置取出术 cochlear remove
人工皮片移植术 artificial skin grafting
人工食管建造术 construction of artificial esophagus
乳突改良根治术 modified radical mastoidectomy
乳突根治术 radial mastoidectomy
乳突开放探查术 mastoid incision exploratory surgery
乳突腔填塞术 mastoid cavity packing
乳突凿开术 Schwartz′s operation
乳突植皮术 mastoid skin grafting
腮腺病损切除术 excision of lesion of parotid gland
腮腺部分切除术 partial parotidectomy
腮腺导管探查术 parotid duct exploration
腮腺导管再通术 recanalization of parotid duct
腮腺管吻合术 anastomosis of parotid duct
腮腺浅叶切除术 superficial parotidectomy
腮腺切除术 parotidectomy
腮腺切开引流术 incision and drainage of parotid gland
腮腺深叶切除术 parotidectomy with parotid deep lobe
鳃裂瘘管切除术 excision of branchial fistula
鳃裂囊肿切除术 excision of branchial cleft cyst
三叉神经减压术 nervi trigeminus decompression
三叉神经射频消融术 nervi trigeminus radiofrequency ablation
上鼓室切开术 atticotomy
上颌动脉结扎术 maxillary artery ligation
上颌窦病损切除术 resection surgery of maxillary sinus lesions
上颌窦穿刺冲洗术 puncture and irrigation of maxillary sinus
上颌窦底提升术 maxillary sinus floor elevation
上颌窦根治术 radical maxillary sinusotomy [又称]Caldwell-Luc手术 △
上颌窦开放术 fenestration surgery of maxillary sinus
上颌窦瘘修补术 repair of maxillary sinus fistula
上颌窦探查术 maxillary sinus exploration
上颌骨部分切除术 partial maxillectomy
上颌骨骨折闭合复位术 closed reduction of maxillary fracture
上颌骨骨折切开复位术 open reduction of maxillary fracture
上颌骨扩大切除术 extended maxillectomy
上颌骨切除术 maxillectomy
上颌骨全部切除术 total maxillectomy
杓状软骨半脱位 arytenoid subluxation
杓状软骨次全切除术 subtotal arytenoidectomy
杓状软骨内侧切除术 medial arytenoidectomy
杓状软骨切除术 arytenoidectomy
杓状软骨全切除术 total arytenoidectomy
杓状软骨脱位 arytenoid dislocation
舌扁桃体切除术 lingual tonsillectomy
舌甲状腺切除术 excision of lingual thyroid
舌下腺切除术 sublingual gland excision
舌下腺切开引流术 sublingual gland incision and drainage
射频喉部病变切除术 laryngeal lesion excision by radiofrequency ablation
声带病损切除术 excision lesion of vocal cord
声带部分切除术 partial excision of vocal cord
声带超窄缘显微外科技术 ultranarrow margin microsurgical technique of vocal cord
声带成形术 vocal cord formation
声带固定术 fixation of vocal cord
声带扩大切除术 extended cordectomy
声带黏膜表皮剥脱术 vocal cord mucosal stripping surgery
声带黏膜下注射术 submucosal injection of vocal cord
声带切除术 cordectomy
声带上皮下切除术 subepithelial cordectomy
声带上移固定术 vocal cord move up fixation
声带完全切除术 total or complete cordectomy
声带粘连松解术 lysis of adhesion of vocal cord
声带注射填充喉成形术 injection augmentation laryngoplasty of vocal cord
声带转位术 transposition of vocal cord
声门扩大术 expansion of glottis
声门上喉切除术 supraglottic laryngectomy
声门下病损烧灼术 subglottic lesion cauterization
声门下血管瘤注药术 injection therapy for subglottic angeioma
食管重建术 esophageal reconstruction
食管穿孔修补术 repair of esophageal perforation
食管喉切除术 esophagolaryngectomy
食管镜下食管探条扩张术 bougienage under esophagoscope
食管扩张术 dilation of esophagus
食管逆行性循环扩张术 esophageal retrogressive cyclic dilatation
食管循环扩张术 esophageal cyclic dilatation
视神经减压术 optic nerve decompression
双侧甲状腺腺叶部分切除术 partial excision of bilateral thyroid lobectomy
双侧颈淋巴结根治性清扫术 bilateral radical cervical lymph nodes dissection
听骨链重建术 ossicular chain reconstruction
唾液腺导管切开术 sialaden catheter sectiones
唾液腺造袋术 salivary gland marsupialization
歪鼻鼻成形术 deviated nose rhinoplasty
外半规管开窗术 fenestration of external semicircular canal
外侧颞骨切除 lateral temporal bone resection
外耳道封闭术 occlusion of external auditory canal
外耳道后壁重建术 reconstruction of posterior wall of external auditory canal
外耳道探查术 external auditory canal exploratory surgery
完壁式乳突改良根治术 closed modified radical mastoidectomy
下颌骨部分切除术 partial resection of mandible
下颌骨骨折闭合复位术 closed reduction of mandibular fracture
下颌骨内固定物取出术 removal of internal fixation of mandible
下咽病损切除术 hypopharyngeal lesion resection
下咽部分切除术 partial hypopharyngectomy resection
下咽成形术 hypopharyngoplasty
下咽切除术 excision of laryngeal pharynx
显微喉镜下二氧化碳激光手术 carbon dioxide laser surgery under microsurgical laryngoscope
腺样体切除术 adenoidectomy
星状神经切除术 stellectomy
胸骨旁纵隔镜检查 parasternal mediastinoscopy
胸骨前食管吻合术伴结肠间置术 antesternal esophageal anastomosis with interposition of colon
修正性内镜鼻窦手术 revision endoscopic sinus surgery
修正性人工耳蜗植入术 revision of cochlear implantation
悬雍垂腭咽成形术 uvulopalatopharyngoplasty,UPPP
悬雍垂缝合术 staphylorrhaphy
悬雍垂切除术 staphylectomy
咽部病损激光烧灼术 laser ablation of pharynx lesion
咽部病损切除术 excision of pharyngeal lesion
咽部脓肿切开引流术 incision and drainage of abscess of pharynx
咽部切开探查术 incision and exploration of pharynx
咽成形术 pharyngoplasty
咽鼓管成形术 eustachian tuboplasty
咽鼓管球囊扩张术 balloon dilation of eustachian tube
咽鼓管探查术 exploration of eustachian tube
咽喉食管全切除术 total pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy
咽喉食管全切除咽胃吻合术 total pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy and pharyngogastric anastomosis
咽后壁修补术 postpharyngeal repair
咽扩张术 dilation of pharynx
咽瘘缝合术 suture of pharyngeal fistula
咽瘘切开引流术 incision and drainage of pharyngeal fistula
咽瘘修补术 repair of pharyngeal fistula
咽旁病损切除术 parapharyngeal lesion resection
咽旁间隙病损切除术 excision of lesion of parapharyngeal space
咽旁脓肿引流术 drainage of parapharyngeal abscess
咽憩室切除术 pharyngeal diverticulectomy
咽切开术 pharyngotomy
咽-食管瘘切除术 excision of pharyngeal esophageal fistula
咽撕裂缝合术 repair of pharyngeal tearing
乙状窦骨壁修补术 sigmoid sinus wall reconstruction
乙状窦后入路 retrosigmoid approach
乙状窦后入路面神经/位听神经/舌咽神经减压术 decompression of facial nerve/vestibulocochlear nerve/glossopharyngeal nerve by retrosigmoid approach
乙状窦憩室还纳术 revision of diverticulum of sigmoid sinus
义耳植入术 prosthetic ear implantation
异位甲状旁腺切除术 ectopic parathyroidectomy
异位甲状腺切除术 ectopic thyroid gland excision
翼管神经切除术 vidian neurectomy
硬腭病损广泛切除术 extensive excision of lesion of hard palate
硬性食管镜食管探查/异物取出术 rigid esophagoscope esophageal exploration/foreign body removal
永久性气管切开术 permanent tracheotomy
游离前臂皮瓣鼻重建术 nasal reconstruction with free forearm flap
暂时性气管切开术 temporary tracheostomy
振动声桥植入术 vibrating sound bridge(VSB)implantation
支撑喉镜下喉病损切除术 laryngeal lesion resection under suspension laryngoscope
支撑喉镜下喉成形术 laryngoplasty under suspension laryngoscope
支撑喉镜下喉扩张术 larynx dilation under suspension laryngoscope
支撑喉镜下喉切开引流术 laryngeal incision and drainage under suspension laryngoscope
支撑喉镜下环杓关节复位术 cricoarytenoid joint reposition under suspension laryngoscope
支撑喉镜下会厌病损激光烧灼术 laser ablation of lesion of epiglottis under suspension laryngoscope
支撑喉镜下会厌病损切除术 excision of lesion of epiglottis under suspension laryngoscope
支撑喉镜下舌病损激光烧灼术 laser ablation of lesion of tongue under suspension laryngoscope
支撑喉镜下声带病损激光烧灼术 laser ablation of lesion of vocal cord under suspension laryngoscope
支撑喉镜下声带病损切除术 excision of lesion of vocal cord under suspension laryngoscope
支撑喉镜下声带切除术 excision of vocal cord under suspension laryngoscope
支撑喉镜下声带粘连松解术 lysis of adhesion of vocal cord under suspension laryngoscope
支撑喉镜下声门病损切除术 excision of lesion of glottis under suspension laryngoscope
支撑喉镜下咽部病损切除术 excision of lesion of pharynx under suspension laryngoscope
支气管异物取出术 removal of bronchial foreign body
中厚皮片移植术 intermediate split thickness skin grafting
转门法 swing-door method
自体甲状旁腺移植术 autologous transplantation of parathyroid