4.1 疾病诊断名词
阿尔茨海默病性痴呆 Alzheimer’s disease [又称]阿尔茨海默病 △
阿米卡星中毒 amikacin poisoning
阿片类中毒 opium poisoning
氨氯地平中毒 amlodipine poisoning
苯的毒性效应 benzene toxic effect
苯及其同类物的氮衍生物和胺衍生物的毒性效应 toxic effect of nitroderivative and aminoderivative of benzene and its homologue
苯同类物的毒性效应 homologue of benzene toxic effect
丙型肝炎肝硬化 hepatitis C cirrhosis
不稳定型心绞痛 unstable angina
茶苯海明中毒 dimenhydrinate poisoning
创伤性脑出血 traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
醇的毒性效应 alcohol toxic effect
醋硝香豆素中毒 acenocoumarol poisoning
催眠药中毒 hypnotic poisoning
大麻类(衍生物)中毒 cannabis(derivatives)poisoning
短暂性脑缺血发作 transient ischemic attack
恶性肿瘤支持治疗 supportive treatment of malignant tumor
二氧化硫中毒效应 sulfur dioxide toxic effect
芳香族烃的其他卤素衍生物的毒性效应 other halogen derivative of aromatic hydrocarbon toxic effect
房性期前收缩 atrial premature beat [又称]房性早搏 △
非阿片样镇痛药、解热药和抗风湿药中毒 nonopioid analgesic,antipyretic and antirheumatic drug poisoning
非阿片样镇痛药和解热药中毒 nonopioid analgesic and antipyretic poisoning
非阿片样镇痛药中毒 nonopioid analgesic drug poisoning
非感染性腹泻 noninfectious diarrhea
肺大疱 bullae of lung
肺间质纤维化 pulmonary interstitial fibrosis
腐蚀性碱和碱样物质的毒性效应 corrosive alkali and alkali like substance toxic effect
腐蚀性有机化合物的毒性效应 corrosive organic compounds poisoning
副交感神经抑制剂和解痉药中毒 parasympatholytic and spasmolytic poisoning [又称]抗胆碱能药、抗毒蕈碱药和解痉药中毒 △
感染性贫血 infectious anemia
高血压1级 grade 1 hypertension [又称]高血压病1级 △
高血压2级 grade 2 hypertension [又称]高血压病2级 △
高血压3级 grade 3 hypertension [又称]高血压病3级 △
冠状动脉支架植入术后状态 coronary artery stent implantation state
海洛因中毒 heroin poisoning
合成的麻醉品中毒 synthetic narcotic poisoning
化妆品中毒 cosmetic poisoning
激素类及其合成代用品中毒 hormones and their synthetic substitutes poisoning
急性胃肠炎 acute gastroenteritis
己烯雌酚中毒 diethylstilbestrol poisoning
继发性贫血 secondary anemia
甲醇的毒性效应 methanol toxic effect
甲喹酮中毒 methaqualone poisoning
甲醛的毒性效应 formaldehyde toxic effect
甲氧氯普胺中毒 metoclopramide poisoning
间质性肺病 interstitial lung disease
解热药中毒 antipyretic poisoning
颈动脉硬化 carotid atherosclerosis
酒精中毒 alcoholism [又称]使用酒精引起的依赖综合征 △
局部制剂中毒 topical preparation poisoning
抗促性腺激素类药、抗雌激素类药、抗雄激素类药中毒 antigonadotrophin,antiestrogen,antiandrogen poisoning
抗癫痫药和镇静催眠药中毒 antiepileptic and sedative hypnotic toxic
抗高血压药中毒 antihypertensive drug poisoning
抗疟疾和对其他血液原虫有作用的药中毒 antimalarial and drug acting on other blood protozoa poisoning
抗帕金森病药和其他中枢神经系统肌肉张力抑制剂中毒 antiparkinsonism drug and other muscle-tone depressant of central nervous system poisoning
可食入性有毒物质 noxious substance eaten as food
淋巴瘤 lymphoma
硫化氢的毒性效应 hydrogen sulfide toxic effect
氯仿的毒性效应 chloroform toxic effect
氯化亚汞中毒 mercurous chloride poisoning
氯美扎酮中毒 chlormezanone poisoning
氯气的毒性效应 chlorine gas toxic effect
麻醉品中毒 narcotic poisoning
吗啡中毒 morphine poisoning
慢性呼吸衰竭 chronic respiratory failure
慢性肾衰竭尿毒症期 chronic renal failure with uremia
慢性支气管炎 chronic bronchitis [又称]慢支 △
慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期 acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [又称]慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性发作 △
梅尼埃病 Meniere disease [又称]膜迷路积水 △,美尼尔综合征 △
美沙酮中毒 methadone poisoning
锰及其化合物的毒性效应 manganese and its compounds toxic effect
弥漫性肺间质疾病 diffuse lung interstitial disease
棉酚中毒 gossypol poisoning
摩擦红斑 erythema intertrigo [又称]擦烂红斑 △
尿路感染 urinary tract infection [又称]泌尿道感染 △
牛肝菌中毒 bolete poisoning
脓毒血症 sepsis [又称]脓毒症 △,败血症 △,脓毒症休克 △
帕金森病 Parkinson disease [又称]震颤麻痹 △
哌替啶中毒 pethidine poisoning
脾功能亢进 hypersplenism
气体、烟雾和蒸气的毒性效应 gas,fume and vapour toxic effect
铅及其化合物的毒性效应 lead and its compounds toxic effect
前列腺术后 post-prostatectomy
全身性及血液学药物中毒 systemic and haematological agent poisoning
全身性抗感染药和抗寄生虫药中毒 systemic anti-infective and antiparasitic poisoning
全身性抗生素中毒 systemic antibiotic poisoning
乳腺恶性肿瘤史 history of breast malignant tumor [又称]乳房恶性肿瘤病史 △
润滑药、缓和药和保护剂中毒 emollient,demulcent and protectant poisoning
山豆根中毒 dauricine poisoning
司可巴比妥中毒 seconal poisoning
四氯化碳的毒性效应 carbon tetrachloride toxic effect
四氯乙烯的毒性效应 tetrachloroethylene toxic effect
酸性物质中毒 acidoid poisoning
碳酸脱水酶抑制剂、苯并噻二嗪类和其他利尿剂中毒 poisoning by carbonic anhydrase inhibitor,benzothiadiazide,and other diuretic
糖尿病性肾病 diabetic kidney disease,DKD [又称]糖尿病肾病 △
糖尿病性周围神经病 diabetic peripheral neuropathy [又称]糖尿病周围神经病变 △
韦伯综合征 Weber syndrome [又称]大脑脚综合征 △
未知病毒的流感性感冒 influenza with unknown virus [又称]流感(病毒未明确) △
无机物毒性效应 inorganic substance toxic effect
物质毒性效应 toxic effect of substance
先天性肌性斜颈 congenital muscular torticollis
硝酸及酯类毒性效应 toxic effect of nitric acid and ester
心房颤动 atrial fibrillation [又称]心房纤颤 △
心功能Ⅰ级(NYHA分级) cardiac functional class Ⅰ(NYHA classification) [又称]心功能Ⅰ级 △
心功能Ⅱ级(NYHA分级) cardiac functional class Ⅱ(NYHA classification) [又称]心功能Ⅱ级 △
心功能Ⅲ级(NYHA分级) cardiac functional class Ⅲ(NYHA classification) [又称]心功能Ⅲ级 △
心功能Ⅳ级(NYHA分级) cardiac functional class Ⅳ(NYHA classification) [又称]心功能Ⅳ级 △
心脏起搏器状态 cardiac pacemaker status
溴氰菊酯中毒 deltamethrin poisoning
盐水和渗透性轻泻剂中毒 saline and osmotic laxative poisoning
氧化氮类的毒性效应 nitrogen oxide toxic effect
药物、药剂和生物制品中毒 drug,medicament and biological substance poisoning
依姆多中毒 imdur poisoning
胰岛素和口服降糖(抗糖尿病)药中毒 insulin and oral hypoglycaemic(antidiabetic)drug poisoning
意外氧中毒 oxygen poisoning,accidentally
影响呼吸系统的物质中毒 agent poisoning primarily acting on respiratory system
与有毒动物接触的毒性效应 toxic effect of contact with venomous animal
真菌毒素污染食物毒性效应 fungal toxin contaminated food toxic effect
脂环烃的其他卤素衍生物的毒性效应 other halogen derivative of alicyclic hydrocarbon toxic effect
脂环烃和芳香族烃的卤素衍生物的毒性效应 halogen derivative of alicyclic and aromatic hydrocarbon toxic effect
致幻药中毒 hallucinogen poisoning
中度贫血 moderate anemia
重度贫血 severe anemia
主要为全身性和血液学物质中毒 primarily systemic and haematological agent poisoning
主要影响胃肠系统的其他制剂中毒 poisoning of other preparation mainly affecting the gastrointestinal system
主要影响胃肠系统的物质中毒 poisoning of substance primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system
主要影响心血管系统的物质中毒 poisoning of substance primarily affecting the cardiovascular system
主要影响自主神经系统药物中毒 poisoning of drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system
作用于肌肉的物质中毒 agent poisoning primarily acting on muscle