12.1 疾病诊断名词
2型糖尿病性乳腺纤维化病变 type 2 diabetic fibrous mastopathy [又称]2型糖尿病伴乳腺纤维化病变 △
Ⅰ度压疮 first-degree pressure sore [又称]Ⅰ度褥疮 △
Ⅱ度压疮 second-degree pressure sore [又称]Ⅱ度褥疮 △
Ⅲ度压疮 third-degree pressure sore [又称]Ⅲ度褥疮 △
Ⅳ度压疮 fourth-degree pressure sore [又称]Ⅳ度褥疮 △
背部蜂窝织炎 back cellulitis
肠系膜上动脉损伤 superior mesenteric artery injury
肠系膜上静脉损伤 superior mesenteric vein injury
肠系膜撕裂 mesenteric laceration [又称]肠系膜裂伤 △
肠系膜损伤 mesenteric injury
肠源性感染 enterogenous infection
持续性全身淋巴结肿大综合征 persistent generalized lymphadenopathy
创伤性肠系膜血管损伤 traumatic mesenteric vessel injury
创伤性腹膜后血肿 traumatic retroperitoneal hematoma
创伤性腹主动脉瘤 traumatic abdominal aortic aneurysm
创伤性肝血肿 traumatic hepatic hematoma
创伤性胃破裂 traumatic gastrorrhexis
丹毒 erysipelas
胆管损伤 bile duct injury
多部位继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of mutiple sites [又称]多系统继发恶性肿瘤 △
多部位淋巴结继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant lymph node of multiple sites [又称]多处淋巴结继发恶性肿瘤 △
分叶脾 lobulated spleen
蜂窝织炎 cellulitis
复杂性腹腔感染 complicated intra-abdominal infection [又称]腹腔感染 △
副脾 accessory spleen
副乳腺恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of accessory breast
副乳腺囊性增生 cystic hyperplasia of accessory breast
副乳腺腺病 adenosis of accessory breast
腹壁蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of abdominal wall
腹壁溃疡 abdominal ulcer
腹部和下背及骨盆多发性血管损伤 injury of multiple blood vessels at abdomen,lower back and pelvis [又称]在腹、下背和骨盆水平的多处血管损伤 △
腹部挤压伤 crush injury of abdomen
腹部开放性损伤 open abdominal injury [又称]开放性腹部损伤 △
腹部开放性损伤伴腹内器官损伤 open wound of abdomen with injury of intra-abdominal organ
腹部血管损伤 injury of blood vessel at abdomen [又称]腹部多处血管损伤 △
腹股沟蜂窝织炎 inguinal cellulitis
腹膜假黏液瘤 pseudomyxoma peritonei
腹膜损伤 peritoneal injury
腹腔动脉损伤 coeliac artery injury
腹腔间室综合征 abdominal compartment syndrome,ACS [又称]腹腔间隙综合征 △
腹腔内多器官损伤 multiple injuries of intra-abdominal organs [又称]腹腔脏器损伤 △
腹腔内器官伴盆腔器官损伤 injury of intra-abdominal and pelvic organ
腹腔内器官损伤 injury of intra-abdominal organ [又称]闭合性腹部损伤 △
肝挫伤 liver contusion
肝动脉损伤 hepatic artery injury
肝静脉损伤 hepatic vein injury
肝撕裂伤 liver laceration
肝损伤 liver injury
颌部蜂窝织炎 jaw cellulitis
颌下降区蜂窝织炎 submandibular cellulitis
横结肠损伤 transverse colon injury
踝蜂窝织炎 ankle cellulitis
坏疽性脓皮病 gangrenous pyoderma
回肠损伤 ileum injury
急性蜂窝织炎 acute cellulitis
急性化脓性阑尾炎 acute suppurative appendicitis
急性化脓性阑尾炎伴穿孔 acute suppurative appendicitis complicated with perforation
急性化脓性阑尾炎伴腹膜炎 acute suppurative appendicitis complicated with peritonitis
急性化脓性阑尾炎伴阑尾周围炎 acute suppurative appendicitis complicated with periappendicitis
急性化脓性阑尾炎伴周围脓肿 acute suppurative appendicitis complicated with periappendiceal abscess
急性坏疽性阑尾炎 acute gangrenous appendicitis
急性阑尾炎 acute appendicitis [又称]急性单纯性阑尾炎 △,肠痈 △
急性阑尾炎伴穿孔 acute perforated appendicitis [又称]急性穿孔性阑尾炎 △
急性乳腺炎 acute mastitis
甲亢性男性乳腺发育 hyperthyroid gynecomastia [又称]病理性男性乳房发育症 △
浆细胞性乳腺炎 plasma cell mastitis
降结肠损伤 descending colon injury
疖 furuncle
结肠多处损伤 multiple injuries of colon
结肠损伤 colon injury
胫蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of shin
静脉导管感染 venous catheter infection [又称]透析导管感染 △
菌血症 bacteremia
空肠破裂 jejunal rupture [又称]创伤性空肠破裂 △
空肠损伤 jejunal injury
髋蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of hip
阑尾恶性肿瘤 appendiceal malignant tumor
阑尾假黏液瘤 appendiceal pseudomyxoma
阑尾类癌 appendiceal carcinoid [又称]阑尾神经内分泌肿瘤 △
阑尾黏液囊肿 appendiceal mucocele
阑尾周围脓肿 periappendiceal abscess
流行性腮腺炎并发乳腺炎 epidemic parotitis complicated with mastitis
慢性囊性乳腺病 chronic cystic breast disease
慢性乳腺炎 chronic mastitis
盲肠脓肿 typhloempyema
盲肠损伤 cecum injury
毛囊炎 folliculitis
门静脉损伤 portal vein injury
面部蜂窝织炎 facial cellulitis
男性乳房恶性肿瘤 male breast cancer
男性乳腺发育 gynecomastia
男性乳腺囊性增生病 male breast cystic hyperplasia
男性乳腺增生 male hyperplasia of mammary glands
脓毒血症 sepsis
皮肤溃疡 skin ulcer
脾包虫病 splenic hydatidosis
脾被膜撕裂 laceration of splenic capsule
脾穿透伤 penetrating splenic injury
脾大 splenomegaly [又称]脾肿大 △,巨脾 △
脾动脉瘤 splenic artery aneurysm
脾动脉损伤 splenic artery injury
脾膈韧带 phrenicolienal ligament
脾梗死 infarction of spleen
脾功能亢进 hypersplenism
脾结肠韧带 lienocolic ligament
脾静脉损伤 splenic vein injury
脾囊肿 splenic cyst
脾脓肿 splenic abscess
脾破裂 splenic rupture
脾切除术后凶险性感染 overwhelming postsplenectomy infection,OPSI
脾损伤 splenic injury
脾血肿 splenic hematoma [又称]创伤性脾血肿 △
脾肿瘤 tumor of spleen
破伤风 tetanus
气性坏疽 gas gangrene
髂动脉损伤 iliac arterial injury
髂静脉损伤 iliac vein injury
髂血管损伤 iliac vascular injury
青春期巨大乳房 adolescent macromastia [又称]青春期乳房肥大 △
躯干部蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of the trunk
乳房错构瘤 breast hamartoma [又称]乳腺错构瘤 △
乳房肥大 hypertrophy of breast
乳房复旧不全(哺乳期) subinvolution of breast(lactation) [又称]乳房复旧不全 △
乳房后天性缺失 acquired absence of breast [又称]乳房缺损 △
乳房交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of breast
乳房皮肤良性肿瘤 benign tumor of breast skin
乳房皮肤原位黑色素瘤 melanoma in situ of breast skin [又称]乳房原位黑素瘤 △
乳房软组织原位黑色素瘤 melanoma in situ of breast soft tissue
乳房松弛症 breast ptosis [又称]乳房下垂 △
乳房萎缩 atrophy of breast
乳房先天性畸形 congenital malformations of breast
乳房纤维硬化症 fibrosclerosis of breast [又称]乳腺硬化性腺病 △
乳房小叶原位癌 lobular carcinoma in situ of breast [又称]乳腺小叶原位癌 △
乳房血管瘤 breast hemangioma
乳房血肿 breast hematoma
乳房炎性肿物 inflammatory breast mass
乳房脂肪坏死 fat necrosis of breast
乳房肿物 breast lump [又称]乳腺肿物 △
乳头肥大 hypertrophy of nipple
乳头皲裂 cracked nipple
乳头瘘 fistula of nipple
乳头缺失 absence of nipple [又称]乳头缺损 △
乳头乳晕恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola
乳头炎 papillitis
乳腺癌 breast cancer
乳腺单发囊肿 solitary breast cyst
乳腺导管扩张症 mammary duct ectasia
乳腺导管瘘 mammary duct fistula
乳腺导管原位癌 ductal carcinoma in situ(DCIS)of breast
乳腺窦道 mammary fistula [又称]乳腺瘘 △
乳腺多发囊肿 mutiple breast cysts
乳腺恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of breast
乳腺放线菌病 mammary gland actinomycosis
乳腺钙化 breast calcification
乳腺继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of breast
乳腺结核 breast tuberculosis
乳腺良性肿瘤 benign breast tumor
乳腺囊性增生病 breast cystic hyperplasia
乳腺囊肿 breast cyst
乳腺脓肿 breast abscess [又称]乳房脓肿 △
乳腺佩吉特病 Paget’s disease of breast
乳腺佩吉特病伴浸润性导管癌 Paget’s disease associated with invasive ductal carcinoma of breast
乳腺皮肤继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of breast
乳腺血栓性静脉炎 breast thrombophlebitis
乳腺炎 mastitis
乳腺炎性肉芽肿 mammary inflammatory granuloma [又称]乳腺肉芽肿性炎 △
乳腺原位癌 carcinoma in situ of breast
乳腺增生 hyperplasia of mammary gland
上臂蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of upper arm
升结肠损伤 ascending colon injury
十二指肠破裂 duodenal rupture [又称]创伤性十二指肠破裂 △
十二指肠损伤 duodenal injury
嗜酸细胞性蜂窝织炎 eosinophilic cellulitis
手蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of hand
手溃疡 ulcer of hand
手术部位感染 surgical site infection [又称]手术后切口感染 △
糖尿病性乳腺纤维化病变 diabetic fibrous mastopathy
头皮蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of scalp
腿蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of leg
臀部蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of gluteal region
腕部蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of wrist
胃动脉损伤 gastric artery injury
胃脾韧带 gastrolienal ligament
胃十二指肠动脉损伤 gastroduodenal artery injury
胃损伤 injury of stomach
下腹动脉损伤 hypogastric artery injury
下腹静脉损伤 hypogastric vein injury
下腔静脉损伤 inferior vena cava injury
先天性乳房发育不良 congenital breast dysplasia
先天性乳房异位 congenital ectopic of breast
先天性乳头肥大 congenital nipple hypertrophy
先天性乳头内陷 congenital nipple retraction
先天性小乳症 congenital micromastia
小肠多处损伤 multiple small intestinal injuries
小肠破裂 small intestinal rupture [又称]创伤性小肠破裂 △
小肠损伤 small intestinal injury
胸壁蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of chest wall
压疮 pressure sore [又称]褥疮 △
炎性乳腺癌 inflammatory breast cancer
胰管损伤 pancreatic duct injury
胰体损伤 pancreatic body injury
胰头损伤 pancreatic head injury
胰尾损伤 pancreatic tail injury
胰腺和胰管损伤 pancreatic injury and pancreatic duct injury [又称]胰损伤 △
胰腺破裂 pancreatic rupture
胰腺损伤 pancreatic injury
乙状结肠损伤 sigmoid colon injury
痈 carbuncle
游走脾 wandering spleen
直肠多处损伤 multiple injuries of rectum
直肠损伤 rectal injury
重度脓毒症 severe sepsis