第2章 你还记得吗?
Joining the Xiang-E Project
After the Wenchuan Earthquake, we all closely watched the progress of the relief effort—the rescue, temporary settlements, and rebuilding—with one specific question in mind:What would be the most effective use of the donations collected by the Relief Fund?The easiest answer would have been just to send all the money to a relief organization in China and become a partner in the background.
But, doing that would have broken our "100%"promise. So, then, we considered a project suited to our Relief Fund mission and an endeavor that would properly apply our funds, while allowing us active participation. Come to think of it, it is very possible that I had already considered this idea at a much earlier stage of the Relief Fund.
We in the United States literally were quite removed from the earthquake region at that time. Realistically, we could not participate physically in any post-earthquake emergency rescue, nor was there time enough for us to support the large-scale temporary settlements immediately. Nevertheless, for any severe natural disaster, we knew that good rescue efforts must be led by professionals and temporary living arrangements must be well-organized and well-coordinated. The Chinese government responded to the quake immediately, and the coordination between all levels of local government with the military and professionals was quite effective. We saw the intensive rescue work begin in the critical initial 72-hour period, followed by mostly professional search and rescue efforts during the next three weeks, and finally the establishment—in the midst of frequent aftershocks—of thousands of tents to house millions of displaced residents within just several subsequent months.
On November 6, 2008, the Chinese Central Government announced that it would dedicate $1 trillion RMB (Renminbi, or about $146.5 billion US) over the next three years to rebuild the areas ravaged by the earthquake. Rebuilding was the third stage of recovery, and rebuilding was a process that required a lot of manpower, material, and financial resources. We were convinced that this stage would allow the best application of our Relief Fund. Personally, I had really wanted to see the raised money play an important role in the rebuilding process, especially for the schools. Because of the timing of the earthquake, students were in their first afternoon classes, so the schools' collapse caused heavy casualties. Naturally, to us it was evident that participation in rebuilding a school would be the ideal project for the Relief Fund.
Maybe I also was the only person making inquiries about school rebuilding projects almost immediately after the quake. To clarify my recollection, I reviewed my old e-mail messages and found one that I had sent to Liu Ling in late-May, 2008, asking her for information about the quake's destruction to the schools and possible recovery plans. That may have been the very first seed of thought about school rebuilding efforts. After a few weeks, around late-June, Liu Ling responded with two lists of preliminary damage assessments of the schools, one for the city of Dujiangyan and the other for the city of Mianyang. The statistics were compiled by the Sichuan Education Foundation, Provincial Education Department, and the Dujiangyan Education Bureau. The report included the name of each school, individual assessment of damages, recommendations to repair or rebuild, the proposed capacity of any new school, and an estimate of cost. Although the information may not have been very accurate, it still was quite detailed. Understandably, it would take much time and effort to collate this still-inconclusive data and turn it into a blueprint for the region. Indeed, it did turn out that many changes occurred in the subsequent years to come. I spent a lot of time analyzing the two lists containing almost 500 schools, learning about each of them, with aid of a regional map spread open next to me and as much background information as I could find online. The resulting paper printouts stacked on my desk grew well over three inches high.
Seeing that the estimate for either school rebuilding or repairing amounted to over $10 million RMB (or roughly $1.5 million US) per school, I immediately realized that we would never be able to rebuild a school solely with our Relief Fund money. At that point, in 2008, we had only raised slightly less than $20,000, but with the American economic crisis starting to impact people's finances locally, fundraising had become even more difficult.
At a previous committee meeting of the Louisville Sichuan Earthquake Relief Fund, I had introduced a sketchy idea of rebuilding a school, and that thought was endorsed by the full committee. Subsequently, armed with the new analytical information, I returned to the committee and presented the possibility of collaborating on a school rebuilding project, reasoning that we could not have supported a full school rebuilding completely on our own. Therefore, a partnership became the next best thing we could do. The committee agreed with the rationale and I was authorized to explore the details further. Then came the question of how to find a rebuilding project that we could connect with and what we needed to do to become a true active partner. Those were days of worry and nights of sleeplessness.
Among my varied community service projects, I served on the Diversity Committee the Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest, a beautiful Kentucky park the Visitor Center of which had recently received the highly prestigious LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Platinum Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. When I had shared plans for the potential school rebuilding project, I was strongly urged to include the green and environmentally friendly concepts in all the plans. Thus, I spent quite a while studying the LEED standards and found the rainwater conservation system at Bernheim to be especially impressive.
Naturally, whenever using environmentally green methods was mentioned, harnessing solar power and water also was recommended. Solar power in Dujiangyan would not have been an optimal investment, but water ... ah water! The area was surrounded by water. The concept of incorporating green building and sustainable systems in China—especially applying them to recovery from a disaster—what a great idea! Afterward, I could not wait to call Liu Ling. Rebuilding with focus on being environmentally friendly struck a chord with her, and, using that concept as the underlying theme, we launched the Relief Fund's school rebuilding project.
Soon after the quake, during mid-summer of 2008, the regional rebuilding efforts began in earnest amidst the temporary settlements of displaced residents. Because hospitals and schools took top priority, I felt the slight lag was the perfect time for us to better define our school rebuilding project. Xiang-E Elementary School came to our attention because it had suffered one of the worst casualties and, because it had only grades one to six, the small countryside school would suit our capabilities and goal. Once we had completely honed in on Xiang-E School, we devised an initial plan:a water conservation system for the immediate area. That was in mid-August of 2008.
As I thought more about rebuilding with good green ideas, I was confident that Xiang-E was the right school for us to help. In hindsight, choosing Xiang-E seemed simple and the decision clearly was right, but during the chaotic post-quake time the choice was neither easy nor clear-cut. We heard countless different, changing quake accounts time after time, and something unexpected always turned up at each and every step. We knew that the whole project could be a total failure if we were not diligent and vigilant.
Actually, it seems quite unbelievable that we, a small private group from Louisville, were even allowed to participate in a major school rebuilding project in China. At the time, we had heard many accounts of donors who were ever-ready to fund projects but were given no opportunity to participate in them. Moreover, the Chinese government assigned large metropolitan cities to officially adopt and supervise quake recovery regions. In the case of Dujiangyan, it was paired with Shanghai, and Shanghai was in complete control of every aspect of the recovery projects, from city planning to architectural design, and from the actual construction contractors to all the finances. In essence, the Dujiangyan-Shanghai collaboration was one in which Shanghai would control every single rebuilding step from beginning to end, and the city of Dujiangyan just would receive the "key"to the finished buildings. Hence, it is evident that the Xiang-E Elementary project was indeed a very special exception to the established governmental collaboration arrangements.
Almost immediately after the earthquake, the Canadian government announced a donation of $6 million (Canadian) to the Chinese government for recovery. However, rather than cash, the $6 million came in the form of construction lumber. Nevertheless, the Chinese government agreed to accept the terms of the donation and subsequently worked with a technical team from Canada Wood to build three lightwood-framed public complexes:an elementary school, a special education school, and a home for seniors. Xiang-E became the first and only wood-framed elementary school to be rebuilt. Under a governmental agreement, Canada Wood worked with Tongji University (in Shanghai) to design and provide technical support for the Xiang-E project.
At the time that I was reviewing the various possible schools to rebuild and discussing with Liu Ling the most likely project we could join, Xiang-E School consistently stood out. Now, adding another international partner to the initiative and incorporating the concept of building green was sure to make Xiang-E an example of an environmentally friendly and sustainable new school. As for our part, Tongji University accepted our ideas and agreed to a working partnership as long as we adhered to rules and did not create any problems. Oftentimes, as I look back, I believe I was lucky and that we were all very lucky. What a rare opportunity we had—but why not?
After the partnership was sealed, groups of volunteers from Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu formed three teams to explore and design the rainwater conservation system for Xiang-E Elementary. At this point, though, I must recount an interesting story to exemplify some of the "small"challenges and hurdles we encountered.
An environmental engineering firm in Shanghai had proposed to donate equipment for their idea of a simple system to catch rainwater from downspouts. Based on that proposal, Liu Ling reported to the Relief Fund Committee with a draft of the design and an estimated cost of about $20,000. Of course, that was in early-fall of 2008, and the amount was close to the total that the Relief Fund had raised to date. We were all still quite happy and proud to accomplish what we set out to do. But, that elation lasted only a few days—not even weeks—when the thorough review by the Chengdu team came back.
The cost of the project was grossly underestimated. There had been no pricing consideration for installation or required piping, plumbing, and underground storage structures. The review further found that the simple proposal from Shanghai was not as simple as it appeared and, in fact, plans did not fulfill the set purpose of the rainwater capture system. Then, with help from the Beijing team, we submitted a revised system design, which soon was optimized by the engineering team in Chengdu. Finally, the revised rainwater conservation system passed the strict design regulations and was accepted by Tongji University.
Alas, the new financial estimate added up to a total projected cost of $70,000. What an incredible shock and surprise it was! We had only raised less than $20,000, just a fraction of the entire rainwater conservation system. But, what were we to do? We already had expended so much time and energy on proposing the rainwater conservation idea, working on the feasibility and design aspects, and convincing Tongji University to create a blueprint of the rainwater system. Moreover—perhaps most critically—we were allowed rare inclusion in the regular updates of the monthly meeting at the Shanghai-Dujiangyan Rebuilding Headquarters. At that point, it was not only too late to back out, but our reputation and partnership would have suffered if we withdrew. We were at the point of no return, and the only persons in the world who knew about the deep hole we dug for ourselves were Liu Ling and me. There is an apt Chinese saying:"It is hard to get off when you are riding on a tiger's back."I think we were doing just that.
I did not anticipate these turns of events. Not at all! In the early stage of fundraising, during roughly the first four months after May 2008, I did not take a lead role. However, even though I saw a huge gap, I realized we already had forward momentum, so I decided to take charge of the fundraising initiative—well, actually, it seemed that eventually the task would fall onto my shoulders anyway. Out of a deep sense of responsibility, I reached out to every contact I ever had or people I ever worked with in the community over the last 15 years. I used up almost all of the political capital I had, but by the end of 2008, we had raised over $125,000, which was more than we needed for the rainwater conservation system.
What made the difference in this, my last fundraising push? First of all, the rainwater conservation system was a worthy project; second, we had a very clear mission and very specific goal; and third, we earned very strong support from Louisville's C. E. & S. Foundation in the form of a matching grant. As we neared our challenge goal, two organizations in Lexington, Kentucky, and two organizations in Jiujiang, China, attracted by the rebuilding project, elected to combine their donated funds with ours. When we met the matching grant goal at last, I received a $25,000 check from the C. E. & S. Foundation with a letter that recognized the Relief Fund's leadership and skillful fundraising efforts, especially at a time of national economic downturn. Now that we had procured all the funds, we were ready to advance to the next step. Again, I felt that the support we enjoyed was because of the special nature of our post-disaster recovery plans. Now, it was time for us to develop educational links in the disaster area so that we could share the instructional values and increase student exchange programs.
On Christmas Day in 2010, Professor Wei-Bin Zeng and I attended an event that included hundreds of mixed-aged children. I asked them if they still remembered the earthquake, but no one answered. After a while, a junior high school student timidly stood up to answer my question. She said that she remembered giving a small donation. I did not mean to sound interrogative but, actually, this would be my general question for all Chinese people today:Do you still recall the earthquake? What is it that you remember?
Six years is too short to be considered history. Yet, six years, consisting of 2,190 days, 24 hours a day, is too long.
To all the volunteers who rushed to the earthquake disaster regions that very year, I ask, "Where are you today? "To those of you who took on leadership roles in that emotional situation, who searched for life and loved ones for the Chinese people, "Where are you? "Possibly,these people have blended into ordinary daily life, have been drowned out by the crowds, or maybe they have disappeared into the numbing ocean waves because of lies and deception. What shall we hold in our mind today? What should we remember?
Five years later, nearly everyone still could recount a personal story about the earthquake.
To remember is not to recall only suffering or to be lost in the past, but to face all aspects of the situation straight-on and to value oneself and others in the process. Only memories that are treasured by a person will help create a meaningful future. The people who seek truth, self-examination, reform, and justice truly believe in rural life. These are the people who are the most realistic hope for the Chinese countryside. To understand this concept is to understand the value of life.
Giving a contribution should have nothing to do with expecting gratitude from earthquake victims. Contributing should be an act that moves people. As time goes by, would the contributor still feel guided by good conscience and a sense of altruism? And, if a person had engaged in this kind of moving experience, would the human connection still linger?
It is easy to be reminded of past disasters because we are now in an era of public media. Everyone can keep images on a personal computer. We can review the photos and videos of fallen children that some mothers have saved on their inexpensive cell phones. Everyone can download disaster documents, images, and records from the Internet. Many years from now, someone who has never experienced an earthquake may easily be placed at the scene via computer, virtually, to witness personally how people perished.
Real human lives were lost amidst cascading events so fast-moving that they were not captured by photograph or video at the very second the earthquake struck. Thus, the events never had a chance to be recorded in electronic computer files that could be opened and reviewed. An earthquake museum and memorial have been erected, and artifacts from the disaster have been collected for display—even a pig that survived. An earthquake tour route set up by a travel agency in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, can be emailed for free, so now the villagers' pain is available through tourism in the name of consumerism. Alas, remembering the emotional toll of earthquake victims has become objectified into a profitable commodity.
In 2008, I visited the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall and experienced something moving. In a darkened area, a large projector displayed images of 300,000 victims onto the wall, who seemed to float into deep space. The images were at first fuzzy, then clear, then faded to nothing. Everything happened silently. The digitally memorialized images were not about random, meaningless numbers of people, but reflected each person's will to survive and their gratefulness to be alive.
Counting My Footprints
The year 2012 was a very interesting time. The number of years I spent in China and in the States became even:exactly 28 years here and there.
Maybe I can now say that my understanding of Chinese and American cultures and education styles, their similarities and differences, is more objective and thorough. I am less critical and more appreciative when it comes to the comparisons. More importantly, I have been committed for almost 20 years to cultural and educational exchange between the States and China, and gained many experiences and lessons.
"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways."We all know Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her most oft-recited poem in China during the time I fell in love with English. Here, I will recount some shadows I have left from 1993 to the present.
I joined the board of directors of Louisville's Crane House, the Asia Institute (previously the China Institute) in 1995, and served in various capacities at different times—as vice president, first vice president, director of international exchanges, and chairman of the program committee. I oversaw the cultural and educational programs, helped to establish a business network in 1996 to address China's rising economic status worldwide and focus on the cultural aspects. The business seminars over the years provided to American companies a deeper understanding of conducting commerce in China and of the Chinese market from a cultural perspective. Since 1998, a grant from the Freeman Foundation has funded Teaching in Asia (TIA), a summer intensive English program for Asian teachers and students, and greatly expanded the program from fewer than 10 teachers per year to over 30 in some years, and increased teaching sites from two in China to over 10 in China and Vietnam at the height of TIA. When the program had a reunion in 2009, almost every teacher said that TIA was a life-changing experience. For each year I served at Crane House, I tried to originate one new project, then improve on the program offerings with themes and serialization. The establishment of a Crane House Asian Culture Lecture Series in 2000, entitled "Asia:Insights and Perspectives, "was a good example of this initiative. It was set up as an annual lecture presented by well-known, invited experts speaking on specially selected topics.
In 2003 I shifted my focus to the Sister Cities organization when Louisville and Jiujiang cooperated to build a cultural exchange relationship, which became an official Sister Cities in fall of 2004. Good things happened one after another subsequently:A high school student exchange and a Sister School program started in 2004; a public administration training program for Jiujiang mid-level officials, jointly sponsored by University of Louisville (U of L) and Louisville Metro Government in 2005-2007; a series of lecture and film programs to introduce Jiujiang to Louisville in 2006-2007; and a moving flag-raising ceremony at Louisville's Jefferson Square.
The year 2007 was a very special one for me. I organized a four-part lecture series on China's economic reform in honor of Crane House's 20th Anniversary and successfully initiated the project,"China Through the Arts, "with the first group of visiting performers from the Guangzhou Children's Palace. In early 2008, I coordinated hosting 24 students and six teachers from Guangzhou, who staged 12 sensational performances throughout Kentucky, touching the hearts of more than 3,600 students and parents and, in particular, 24 host families and over 120 volunteers. Year 2008 also was a very eventful year because of the May 12 Wenchuan Earthquake, the Louisville Earthquake Relief Fund, the Xiang-E Elementary School rebuilding project, and the Beijing Olympics. Later in 2009, the special Beijing Olympic Documentaries series was presented at U of L. Moreover, the Sister Cities Young Scholars program, a new endeavor to attract high school graduates from Jiujiang and Chengdu to Louisville's universities and colleges, was initiated in 2010.
It is a long list of activities and involvements. Among those are quite a number of award-winning projects with my fingerprints on them. It was indeed the invaluable experiences I gained over the years that made it natural for me to assume a leadership role in the Louisville Sichuan Earthquake Relief Fund, to take charge of the Louisville for Xiang-E School programs once the school rebuilding had been completed, and to continuously move ahead one step at a time during the last five years. It was not really a case of my making a sudden move from nowhere; instead, it was steady and determined growth over the years.
When I graduated from University of Pittsburgh in 1988, I asked a friend to take a few photos of the autumn leaves in the city so that I could place them alongside my dear Robert Frost's mountain road verse:"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood / And sorry I could not travel both / And be one traveler / long I stood / And looked down one as far as I could / ..."
I stayed in the States instead of returning to China. Over the last 20years, I, again "... took the road less traveled by / And that has made all the difference."It may just be my faith.
Professor Zeng
The first time I went to Xiang-E Elementary with Wei-Bin Zeng, I was not very used to calling him "Professor Zeng."In fact, we in Chinese colleges almost never refer to colleagues as "professor."Instead, we always say "Laoshi, "meaning teacher, regardless of how academically accomplished the person is. Except in a joking manner, colleagues rarely use such a formal title among each other. It was when we got to Xiang-E that I discovered that everyone everywhere greeted him in exactly the same way. The city officials called him"Professor Zeng; "the local residents greeted "Professor Zeng."And, of course, the students and even teachers used this now-familiar but nonetheless strange-sounding title at Xiang-E. Everyone related to the Xiang-E programs referred to "Professor Zeng"in the exact same way, so that his name became more of an emblem or special label, and any other designation would not have been meaningful. As for me, I unconsciously started to feel more comfortable with the title and also have called him "Professor Zeng"since then.
For the last five years, many changes and progress at Xiang-E Elementary School closely involved the "Professor."From thousands of miles away and otherwise having no physical contact with China at all, Professor Zeng devoted his talents, abilities, and love to make things happen. Bit by bit, he nurtured new and lively ideas. How could Wei-Bin Zeng, an ordinary person who went to America from Shantou 30 years ago and a mathematician with a doctorate from University of Pittsburgh, have become the iconic "Professor"in this mountainous countryside?
One night in early 2012, when we returned to Chengdu after visiting Xiang-E Elementary together, Professor Zeng handed me a book. It was his just-published monograph, Probability and Statistical Models, which was in the Birkhauser Applied Probability and Statistics series printed by Springer, a prestigious, international, academic publishing company founded in 1842. Of course, the topic was completely foreign to me. However, Professor Zeng wanted me to have the book and to understand his world.
I opened the cover printed by the world-renowned publishing house and looked at the dancing English alphabet and mathematical formulas. In vain, I attempted to understand the mathematician part of him. If there had been no tragic earthquake, perhaps Professor Zeng would still be one of the Chinese-American professionals concerned only with his own world. These days, at least to the people in Xiang-E and many in Dujiangyan, he is the "Professor"who had come several times a year for the children of Xiang-E Elementary.
Professor Zeng once said that his dedication to the programs to support Xiang-E Elementary over the past five years started with an innocent promise and, likely, a commitment.