Managing Hosts
Nagios offers several pages that can be used to view and modify host information. The Nagios web interface offers a view of all defined hosts, their statuses, and basic information. These can be used to determine the status of hosts. Hostgroup-related views also show the status of services bound to hosts. Host information pages also allows the modification of several parameters related to host configuration.
Nagios offers a panel that shows all hosts along with their statuses. It can be accessed by clicking on the Host Detail link on the left-side menu.
The following is a screenshot reporting six hosts, all of which are currently UP:

The page shows a list of all hosts, their statuses, and basic information on when the host was last checked and when the status was last changed. It also shows the information text response from the check. The sort order of the table can be changed by using the arrow buttons next to each column's header.
Similar to the Tactical Overview page, the totals on the top of the page can be used to filter hosts or services to only the ones with a specific status. After clicking on any status type in the Host Status Totals table, the list of hosts is filtered to the show only the ones that currently have the selected status. Clicking on any status type in Service Status Totals will show a list of services filtered to the ones that currently have the specified status.
There is also a quick jump menu on the left that allows you to move to a list of all of the services and views related to the host groups.
Nagios also offers three views that show the status of all of the host groups. One such view is the status grid, which shows host groups along with the hosts in them and each service for that host, along with its status. This view can be accessed by clicking on the Hostgroup Grid link on the left-side menu.
The following is a screenshot of such a status grid view:

As with the previous view, clicking on the Host Status Totals or Service Status Totals will cause Nagios to filter the results according to the selected criteria. The page also contains a quick jump menu on the left that can be used to change the currently-selected view.
Clicking on any host group description will show a list of all of the services on all hosts within that group.
Clicking on a host group name, which is specified in brackets, will display a host group menu that allows you to modify attributes for all hosts or services related to that host group.
Clicking on a host name in any host or service related view will cause Nagios to show detailed information about the chosen host.
Host Information
Clicking on a host in any view of the web interface will take you to the host information page. This page contains the details of the current host status, a list of comments, and a command panel that allows you to modify the host configuration, schedule checks, or send custom notifications.
The following is a screenshot of the host information page:

This page contains detailed information of the selected host. It shows the current status and the host checks that have been, or will be, performed. It also contains information on which functionality is enabled or disabled for specified host, whether the host is flapping along with flapping threshold value.
The menu on the right can be used to perform operations related to this host. It allows you to toggle whether active checks should be performed, whether Nagios should accept passive check results, and whether it should detect flapping. You can also configure Nagios to obsess over a host or send notifications and events. It is also possible to create options for all of the services bound to this host. There is also an option to schedule checks for a host or all services bound to this host. You can also submit passive check results over the web interface.
The host information page also allows the reading and modification of all of the comments related to this host. All current comments are listed under the Host Comments section. Clicking on trash icon in the Actions column will delete a comment. You can also delete all comments and add a new comment bound to this host.