Getting Help in the PHP-Nuke Community
PHP-Nuke has a substantial user base. There is a large group of people who run PHP-Nuke sites, develop extensions to PHP-Nuke, and create visual customizations, among other activities. All this leads to a vibrant community that pushes the product forward, helps to address the problems faced by people working with PHP-Nuke, and offers support and encouragement to users.
There are a number of sites dedicated to PHP-Nuke that contain a range of PHP-Nuke resources, such as add-ons, bug fixes and patches, tutorials, and so on. You will also find the option of paid support for PHP-Nuke, and since PHP-Nuke is such a popular and widespread application, it will not be difficult to find a PHP developer who has experience of working with PHP-Nuke.
Each of these sites is well worth a visit to see what they offer:
- http://phpnuke.org: This is the home of PHP-Nuke, run by Francisco Burzi, the creator and maintainer of PHP-Nuke. From here, you can download the latest version of PHP-Nuke. This is also a good place to find news of the latest offerings from the PHP-Nuke community, including new sites running on PHP-Nuke.
- http://www.nukecops.com: There is a particularly large forum here, with many posts on problems encountered by PHP-Nuke users. If you find yourself with a problem, then the Nukecops.com forums are a good bet to find a solution.
- http://www.nukeresources.com: This is the home of the PHP-Nuke patches that we will use when installing PHP-Nuke. There is also an extensive list of downloads here, as well as a number of tutorials.
- http://www.karakas-online.de/EN-Book/: This is the PHP-Nuke HOWTO. This is a massive collection of tips and tricks for working with PHP-Nuke, solving common problems, and useful hacks. This document is also found on a number of other PHP-Nuke websites as the PHP-Nuke HOWTO.
- http://thethemes.cc/: This is a site with dozens of PHP-Nuke themes aimed at gaming sites.
- http://ravenphpscripts.com/: NukeSentinel, a security add-on for PHP-Nuke, can be found here.
Many of the PHP-Nuke sites will have links to other recommended PHP-Nuke sites. In addition to providing valuable resources and information, all these sites will give you a good idea of what it is possible to accomplish on a PHP-Nuke site.