Installing WordPress
Run the following command:
helm install stable/wordpress --name handsonaks-wp --set smtpHost=smtp.google.com --set smtpPort=25 --set smtpPassword=abcd1234 --set smtpUser=handsonaks@gmail.com --set smtpUsername=handsonaks --set smtpProtocol=ssl
That's it; Helm goes ahead and installs everything mentioned at https://Kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/stateful-application/mysql-wordpress-persistent-volume/.
The command should have been just helm install stable/wordpress --name handsonakswp. The reason for the extra parameters was, at the time of writing, the command did not work without the SMTP settings. For more information visit https://github.com/bitnami/bitnami-docker-wordpress/issues/153#issuecomment-450127531.
How did we figure out smtpPassword was the issue? Hint: it involved kubectl logs. We will go into more detail on monitoring in the next chapter.
How did we figure out smtpPassword was the issue? Hint: it involved kubectl logs. We will go into more detail on monitoring in the next chapter.
It takes some time for Helm to install and the site to come up. We will look into a key concept, Persistent Volume Claims, while the site is loading.