The robot control system – a control loop with soft real-time control
Now that we have exercised our programming muscles, we can apply this knowledge into the main control loop for our robot. The control loop has two primary functions:
- To respond to commands from the control station
- To interface to the robot's motors and sensors in the Arduino Mega
We will use a standard format for sending commands around the robot. All robot commands will have a three letter identifier, which is just a three letter code that identifies the command. We will use "DRV" for motor drive commands to the tracks, "ARM" for commands to the robot arm, and "TLn" for telemetry data (where "n" is a number or letter, allowing us to create various telemetry lists for different purposes). Error messages will start with "ERR", and general commands will start with "COM". A motor telemetry message might look like this:
Here TL1 is the identifier (telemetry list 1) and the data is separated by commas. In this case, the two values are the motor states of the left and right drive motors. The \n is the end of line character escape character in Python, which designates the end of that message.
We will also be adding a feature that I always include in all of my robots and unmanned vehicles. It is always good to maintain "positive control" over the robot at all times. We don't want a hardware fault or a software error to result in the robot being stuck in a loop or run out of control. One of the means we can use to detect faults is to use end-to-end heartbeats. A heartbeat is a regular message that is periodically passed from the control station, to the robot's brain, and down to the microcontroller, and then back again. One of the tricks I use is to put a time tag on the heartbeat message so that it also acts as a latency measurement. Latency is the delay time that it takes from the time a command is generated until the robot acts on that command. If we have a heartbeat failure, we can detect that a process is stuck and stop the robot from moving, as well as send an error message to the operator.
This robot, like most of my creations, is designed to run autonomously a majority of the time, so it does not require communications with a control station full time. You can log onto the robot, send some commands, or operate it as a teleoperated unit, and then put it back into autonomous mode. So we have to design the heartbeat to not require a control station, but allow for heartbeats to and from a control station if one is connected.
Twice a second the main computer, the Raspberry Pi3, will send a message with a header of HBB, along with the clock time. The Arduino will simply repeat the HBB message back to the Pi3 with the same time information; that is, it just repeats the message back as soon as it can. This allows the Pi3 to measure the route trip delay time by looking at its clock. Repeating the clock eliminates the problem of synchronizing the clocks on the two systems. When a control program running on my PC is connected to the robot, a separate HBB message comes via the ROS message interface on a special topic called robotCommand, which is just a string message type. The command station puts a time tag on the heartbeat message, which allows the network latency along the wireless (Wi-Fi) network to be measured. Once a command station connects to the robot, it sends a HBB message once a second to the Pi 3 using ROS. The robot just repeats the message back as fast as it can. This tells the control station that the robot is being responsive, and tells the robot that someone is connected via Wi-Fi and is monitoring and can send commands.
Here is a diagram explaining the process:

OK, now let's start into our main robot control program that runs on the Raspberry Pi3 and handles the main controls of the robot, including accepting commands, sending instructions to the motors, receiving telemetry from the Arduino, and keeping the robot's update rate managed:
import rospy
import tf.transformations
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from std_msgs.msg import String
import time
import serial
# set our frame rate - how many cycles per second to run our loop?
# how long does each frame take in seconds?
# initialize myTimer
topOfFrame = 0.0
endOfWork = 0.0
# how many cycles to test? counter*FRAME = runtime in seconds
counter = 2000
# fudge factor for our timing loop computations
class RosIF():
def __init__(self):
self.speed = 0.0
self.turn = 0.0
self.lastUpdate = 0.0
rospy.init_node('robotControl', anonymous=True)
self.telem_pub = rospy.Publish("telemetry",String,queue_size=10)
def cmd_vel_callback(self,data):
self.speed = data.linear.x
self.turn = data.angular.z
self.lastUpdate = time.time()
def command(self,cmd):
def robCom_callback(self,cmd):
robot_command = cmd.data
# received command for robot - process
if robot_command == "STOP":
if robot_command == "GO":
# This object encapsulates our robot
class Robot():
def __init__(self):
# position x,y
# velocity vx, vy
# accelleration ax, ay
# angular position (yaw), angular velocity, angular acceleration
We will cover the design of the robot object in the Appendix. The full code is available in the repository on GitHub. Since we are not using this part of the program for the example in this chapter, I'm going to snip this bit out. See the Appendix; we will be using this section in great detail in later chapters.