About the authors
Pavan Podila has been building frontend applications since 2001 and has used a variety of tools, technologies, and platforms, from Java Swing, WPF with .Net/C#, Cocoa on macOS and iOS, to the web platform with frameworks such as React and Angular. He has been working with React since 2013 and MobX since 2016. He is a colead of the Interactive Practice at Publicis.Sapient, where he builds large financial applications for web and mobile platforms.
He has been a Microsoft MVP for client application development (2008-2011), and a published author of WPF Control Development Unleashed (Addison-Wesley). He created QuickLens, a Mac app for UI designers/developers, and authored several articles and video courses on Tuts+.
Pavan is a Google Developer Expert (GDE) for web technologies and currently authors courses on The UI Dev. He is a regular speaker at meetups, conferences, and workshops. When time permits, you can find him sketching on iPad or playing ping-pong.
Michel Weststrate (Msc) is tech lead and open source evangelist at Mendix. He has been active as both a frontend and backend developer in different stacks. An occasional speaker at software conferences, he has authored video courses on egghead.
Intrigued by several (transparent) reactive programming libraries, he researched and worked on making the ReactJS framework more reactive while addressing predictability and maintainability constraints in other solutions. This led to mobservable (nowadays MobX), which was quickly adopted at Mendix.
He's very active in the open source software community, and he authored MobX, Immer, and several small libraries, and coauthored MST.