About the Reviewers
Shantanu Bhadoria is an avid traveler, Perl expert, and CPAN author based in Singapore. He has traveled to more than 30 countries around the world. When in Singapore, he works on paging and building control systems for skyscrapers and large campuses in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Macau. He has authored many libraries in Perl for control of gyroscopes, magnetometers, accelerometers, altimeters, PWM wave generators, and many other sensors and controllers.
He is also the author of Device::SMBus, a Perl library that is used to talk to devices over the I2C bus, and Math::KalmanFilter, a Perl library that implements the Kalman Filter sensor fusion algorithm.
His Perl code can be accessed at https://metacpan.org/author/SHANTANU, and his GitHub repositories are available at https://github.com/shantanubhadoria.
Marcelo Boá is an electronics technician who has a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems. He has worked for 10 years in the field of electronic maintenance. He has also worked on Java development, Oracle PL/SQL, PHP, ZK Framework, Shell scripts, HTML, JavaScript, Ajax, Linux, Arduíno, and BeagleBone.
He started as a PL/SQL trainee at the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Brazil. When the electronics technical department was formed, he worked for some companies on many different kinds of electronic circuits, thereby gaining technical assistance from Sony, Aiwa, and Gradiente. Ten years later, he returned to Java development with the ZK Framework, developing software for call centers in Curitiba's Software Park. He is currently working as a systems analyst in the warehouse management systems and industrial automation department at SSI SCHAEFER. He is an Arduíno and BeagleBone lover.
This was my first experience as a reviewer and the experience was very good. The book is amazing. There are a lot of skills to learn from it.
I would like to thank God for everything. I would also like to thank Sageer and Prachi for the invitation to join the book as a reviewer, and my family for allowing my training.
Chris J Daly lives near Portland, Oregon. During the day, he works as a software engineer, and in the evening, he spends time on hacking the Internet of Things projects, which can be found on his GitHub page at https://github.com/cjdaly.
Daniel Frenzel is a biochemist and biophysicist, and was working as a research associate at Forschungszentrum Jülich. Recently, he got a job offer from the EMBL in Heidelberg, where he will participate in the development of microfluidic systems. Daniel has experience in parallelization with OpenMP and CUDA under supercomputing conditions. He developed a C++ library for simulation of large-scale networks (code.google.com/p/annetgpgpu). Besides, Daniel maintains a quadcopter project based on the ArduPilot library, which allows him to control a quadcopter via WiFi (code.google.com/p/rpicopter).