On European Space Technology Incubation Control Legal System and Its Enlightenment
蔡高强 刘云萍[1]
摘要:欧洲航天军民两用技术产业化发展,是世界航天技术转化的模范。21世纪以来,欧空局启动ESA企业孵化中心(ESA BIC),并与欧盟共同创建欧洲网络孵化器与孵化网络,联合欧洲空间组织等机构相继出台了一系列的政策和措施,建立了科学的航天技术孵化衔接机制、规范的合同管理制度、严格的审议评估制度,激励和促进了航天技术孵化,实现了欧洲航天技术产业化发展。欧洲航天技术孵化管控法律制度所具有的体系性强、管控方式外紧内松、管控措施具有高度的透明性和公正性、管控地域分布广的特点,为我国完善航天技术孵化管控制度提供了有益的借鉴。
Abstract:The industrialization of dual-use technologies for military and civilian aerospace in Europe is a model for the transformation of aerospace technology in the world.Since the beginning of this century,ESA has launched the ESA Business Incubation Center(ESA BIC),and has jointly established a European network incubator and incubation network with the European Union,and has jointly issued a series of policies and measures with European space organizations and other institutions to establish a scientific space technology incubation connection mechanism,standardized contract management system,and strict review and evaluation system have stimulated and promoted the incubation of space technology and realized the industrialization of European space technology.The European aerospace technology incubation management system is systematic,the management and control methods are tight and internally loose,the management and control measures are highly transparent and fair,and the management and control are widely distributed,which provide a useful reference for China to improve the aerospace technology incubation management control system.
Key Words:European Space Agency(ESA);space technology;legal control
从当今世界科学技术发展趋势看,军、民技术日趋融合,高新技术两用化的特征越来越明显。航天技术是世界公认的高新技术,充分发挥出航天军工企业在军品技术、设备、人力、资源等方面的独特优势,重点发展航天军民两用高新技术产业是国际趋势。欧洲国家通过建立企业孵化中心以及创建技术孵化网络来发展航天技术两用产业。欧空局启动ESA企业孵化中心(ESA BIC)不仅解决了航天技术商业化应用问题,同时也形成了军民技术流转的可持续发展模式。