The Starbucks Coffee Shop in Fo Guang Shan: A Message from the Dao De Jing
About the Author
Nan Zhou was born in Fujian, China in 1952. He was among the generation of Chinese whose high school education was interrupted due to the Cultural Revolution in 1966. This historical event contextualized the special titles of his educational statuses afterwards: First as a Zhi Shi Qing Nian(“Intellectual Youth”)at the age of 16, he went to work as a peasant for almost six years, then worked as an apprentice carpenter for about one year, and thereafter was sent off to Fuzhou University as a “Worker-Peasant-Soldier” student. He passed the national examination for overseas graduate study organized by the Ministry of Education in 1981. Consequently, he earned an MBA from Idaho State University in 1984 and a Ph.D. in Business Administration with a major in marketing from the University of Utah in 1987.
He is currently a professor at the Department of Marketing at the City University of Hong Kong. He is also a Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor at Wuhan University, China. He is the first Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor in the area of Qi Ye Guan Li(Enterprise Management)appointed by the Ministry of Education of China.
Book Description
The Dao De Jing, a classic of Chinese philosophy, literally means“The Classic of the Way and Virtue”. Its authorship has been attributed to Lao Zi.
The present book consists of 63 pieces of Sui Bi(“Casual Writings”)on the author’s stories of some of the places he has lived in, and his reflection based on the Dao De Jing. There is an ancient Chinese saying: “The best a person can do is to establish great virtue; second best is to achieve great things; third best is to create great literature.” These three Bests are similar to Worth, Work and Words in English. Accordingly, the casual writings are grouped into three sections:
1.The Dao of Learning: Tangible and Intangible Beget Each Other.
2.The Dao of Branding: Difficult and Easy Complement Each Other.
3.The Dao of Life: Follow Nature’s Course.